If you asshats would stop electing asshats to the State Legislature we could do more of that. We have whole departments that just fill out paperwork that the State requires us to fill out. Right now there isn't a damn thing being learned in the schools because we are doing all the State AIR testing, and reading testing, and state mandated ACT tests, and the Ohio Graduation test. That is happening all over the State right now. As we are required by law to do. And it is the second of three times we have to do it each year.
This is on you man, you elected these asshats.
But that said we do pretty damn good here with what we got. We have 2500 chromebooks and 1500 PC's for 6000 kids. And our teacher to student ratio is one of the best in the state. As is our ratio of administrators to students..ie not many administrators per student.
So despite your best efforts to saddle us with bullshit laws we are doing very well thank you.