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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. So I can ban gays from my business? Or black people?
  2. And for the record, not a thing wrong with being a pot head, unless you are an NFL player because it will get you suspended. Don't think you should be suspended, but those are the current rules. Don't waste draft picks on people that will get suspended, unless you are the Browns. In that case, carry on.
  3. The Browns are crap, and will be crap for a long time. But this move makes sense. They just flip him to another team as a backup and eat maybe 6 mil of his salary and get another draft pick. So they upgraded 2 draft picks and get another for about 6 mil. They have tons of cap space, and a huge part of it must be spent this year or there are penalties. However, they will use all the picks to draft alcoholics, pot heads and/or shitty players so it wont matter much.
  4. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    If you establish credibility as a red teamer you are an easy six figure guy in a year, and it just goes up exponentially after that. For the record, red team does not equal pen tester in the above comment.
  5. Awesome. I will get that on mine, we need 85+ dB showing.
  6. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    This is way overdue. Going to post my kids interviews on TV in one thread. Today's is about the CIA leaks and Assange's offer to keep the details secret until the affected companies can patch. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/5353729541001/?#sp=show-clips
  7. Damn it man, you just ruined a perfectly good rant.
  8. I actually think that makes sense, he is chatting with someone he knows. No pressure, no BS just an open conversation.
  9. Soon as the kids company is worth a few hundred million and he sells it. Won't be too long.
  10. I was even going to give you the jar of Apple Pie I promised to @DerekClouser
  11. Was gonna meet you down there Saturday. Not going to make it tomorrow.
  12. I am actually reconsidering the take him for a ride idea. Not sure he will really 'hear' it unless it is on the freeway for an hour or two.
  13. That's what they have. They want to hook you and sell you a new one, so they always have the latest. Most HD dealers give you back the rental cost if you buy a new one from them within a couple of months.
  14. A quick google says Beverly Hills CA Harley has them available for rental.
  15. One of my co-workers bought a Buell late last summer. It was a bad idea.
  16. He has stiffed them before, or is too embarrassed to ask, or maybe their credit sucks too.
  17. It's a real shame it is going down this way, but you are making the right call.
  18. Pretty common if you are trying to rent a decent place.
  19. Might be a good place for the next central ohio OR gathering then.
  20. Like he is moving out to his own place and he wants you to co-sign it?
  21. I have made some phone calls, no promises but there is a possibility that my good friends from Wu Tang might show up.
  22. This will get my friend @HeavyDuty back for a few posts. http://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/03/02/restaurant-tells-american-legion-officers-remove-vests.html?ESRC=marine_170307.nl
  23. I just reached out to the legislative coordinator at ABATE.
  24. I dunno man. If people dont show up I don't think they should get to see the fisticuffs.
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