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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Apple Pie

    Pulp Fiction
  2. In fairness to Derek he did say this offseason. So maybe he means how they lost 4 starters the first day of free agency.
  3. Is there also slide protection so it could be worn under regular jeans?
  4. Lol. Yea 1 and 15 is moving in the right direction
  5. Tonik

    Apple Pie

    Yea, I hope you get some. It's awesome.
  6. Tonik

    Apple Pie

    I am heart broken. You don't remember meeting me.
  7. Tonik

    Apple Pie

    I might hypothetically bring I might hypothetically be able to give u more.
  8. I had the exact same issue on my Nomad with Mobil 1. Never bothered trying it on the Voyager. The Amsoil isn't that much more. And its an oil thread now!!
  9. I thought you bought tire warmers?
  10. I was going to mention that, but you seemed committed to your plan. Snow today, decent tomorrow around here.
  11. Mine too, that's the only reason I know about the other electric suppliers. The one I mentioned is a scam, imnsho. They get a local city to cut a deal with them. The deal is they mail everyone in the city, if you don't respond with a 'no' then you are automatically switched. And their rates are MUCH higher than First Energy. I am currently hounding my city officials about dropping the deal since it is a total rip off. Trying to help the really old people that might not understand WTF is going on.
  12. There is competition, you can switch electric suppliers just like you can switch gas suppliers. In fact, if you don't pay attention and depending on what city you live in...you might have been switched automatically.
  13. Bad contract + a big surge in this years salary cap.
  14. And hippies with long hair can get a hair cut and be welcome.
  15. I have a theory on that, was just trolling for a few posts before I got to it. The people helping them are just as f'd up in the head as the 1100 woman. She has no support group, no one like you or me in their life that can help them.
  16. So you only feed them enough, then they try to kill themselves because not having food is freaking them out. Thankfully they are not successful. What do you do next?
  17. And I was pointing out you don't need an extreme example before that 'logic' runs out of steam. No need to keep up, I am way ahead of you.
  18. I get your point, but easier said than done. Would you stop feeding your wife or child in this situation...let them starve to death? No, you would keep feeding them while trying to get them the help they need.
  19. Why does it have to be a life saving scenario? It's ok to discriminate unless someone dies?
  20. It wasn't intended to be a fair comparison.
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