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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Meet time is noon in Beckley. You need to reserve your own rooms for each night, the hotels are in the second post.
  2. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Dang, Dave would have had to have them when he was like 17. No idea who they were.But yea, it was their homecoming. I think we were some kind of scavenger hunt thing.
  3. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yep, it's open up there. There is a closure weekdays where 93 and 83 come together south of Coshocton, but that is weekdays 8 to 3.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I spent the day chasing Derek and crew down 83 78 and so on. And hanging with hot chicks.
  5. Awesome, you are a wise man. You will learn lots, and have a blast. Afterwards check with your insurance company. Several offer discounts if you take the class.
  6. Based on Godwin's Law, you automatically lose this debate and are deemed a dumbass.
  7. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    If you want to go down 83, hit Elyria around 11:15 or so. I leave from there.
  8. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Thanks man! Gonna be down that way tomorrow.
  9. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Just get on my fender, i got ezpass.
  10. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

  11. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Route down is 4:15 Google time. So I figure 3:45 plus a stop, need to be there by noon. 7 AM kickstands up.
  12. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Hell, my phone is 6. 7 would be fine.
  13. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Sygic on the Iphone sucks, like Iphones suck. Can't import custom routes, it would be good for getting you from lost to a specific point like the hotel that night but that is about it.
  14. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Keep me posted, I got a burner LG G3 we can load Sygic up on, dl the maps and routes via wifi and you can put your Sygic account on it.
  15. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Damn. Gonna need to hit the ammo store before I leave.
  16. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Lets decide that at the gas stop in Marion before we hop on 81. We will have a better idea of how much time we have left.
  17. Tonik

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Crystal Method was at DerbyCon last year loser.
  18. As someone who is working k-12 public education, you have my sincere apology for your education. We failed you. Sorry man.
  19. Dang it, it's +1. Always +1, it's not cumulative. Dang internet noobs. Oh, and +1 for MSF.
  20. Tonik

    I'm Back...

    I am not anymore. Used to be hardcore. Cold water, deep diving, dry suits, wreck penetration, you name it. Certified up to Rescue Diving and was close to getting instructor. One day I got tired and seriously over heated on a dive. Aborted, np and surface swam back. Scared me bad though and I lost the edge. Tried hard to get it back, got lots of help from people that had been through it. But I simply can't go down anymore without being on the edge of panic, and as you know starting out like that and having something simple go wrong will push you over the edge and then you die.
  21. Tonik

    I'm Back...

    I got attacked by a turtle on grand Cayman on a night dive once. He dive bombed my chest and hit me dead center with his nose. Hurt like hell.
  22. Tonik

    Ohio LinuxFest

    Was Wu Tang there?
  23. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, that sounds like a genius idea!!
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