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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Lecherous old man chasing bikini clad younger women. And of course catching them. I know the perfect old man for this.
  2. Finally make it to dinner. He has to face time the kids, so he texts me his order.
  3. 30 minutes to inspect each tank, of the same make, for quality control. FML.
  4. So he broke his vap tank. Since the truck is huge we are ubering all over to get parts. Still no dinner.
  5. Casper showes up. Drove his truck. Its too big to park anywhere.
  6. So yea, they love us so much happy hour was free. Free.
  7. And I'm here. 22 was, as always, amazing. You folks really need to get on it sometime.
  8. So today you are riding a desk, and tomorrow a Tahoe. Awesome.
  9. Yea, well this old guy is riding Kentucky twisties otw to party with Wu Tang. WTF are you two 's up to today?
  10. God himself couldn't make a battery that could withstand the shenanigans of a Triumph electrical system.
  11. FFS I didnt even get into IT until I was 40.
  12. Just got to cbus, quick donut break. @Casper is still in bed it seems. He ia going to miss an epic run across 22 in KY. 36 hours till Wu Tang.
  13. They us t mobile, sprint and US Cellular. I believe it is only nexus phones and the soon to be released pixals, which is the new name for the nexus phones
  14. BTW, what do you do that Derbycon would be of interest to you?
  15. Pretty much all of us, he is a slut.
  16. We could get 5 or 6 bikes to do it, Brian can take turns riding bitch and then bring the bike back for his dad. Like a good son.
  17. According to what I read on the interwebs and from other phone users their signal strength blows everywhere. It is really hard to move away from VZ, once you use their network and experience their coverage everyone else blows. They know it, so they rape us.
  18. Bummer, but understandable. Don't mess it up next year. The band is booked, you won't want to miss it.
  19. I just gave up my unlimited. Was a waste of money before the sucharge for us.
  20. Pack the heavy stuff in the saddlebags, keep the weight lower. Donuts go in the top bag.
  21. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Ok, that is damn cool.
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