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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Come on, not paying taxes does make him smart. Especially when you consider Senator Clinton wrote some of that shit, yet she is too stupid to understand how to get around her own laws. Doesn't make him a President, but it makes him at least smarter than Hillary.
  2. The cop is right, it is a bmv issue and they will drop a big hammer on him. File a report with the BMV. He will get a six month mandatory suspension plus how ever long it takes him to make reasonable progress on restitution. I have done this to two asshats. Its fun. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://publicsafety.ohio.gov/links/bmv3303.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwig_Kv297DPAhUQziYKHdTOAC8QFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNFR5wwzj2_wd8HMftFLe809JtVtwA&sig2=KUvbbfaD4j5pUtLpV1GJfA
  3. Appreciate the vid man. Now that Tim is a track whore it is the only way I will ever see him again. BTW, how is the new battery working out.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, plan accordingly. Don't be late.
  5. I should probably get a donut for my reviews/endorsement.
  6. Yea because the batshit insane libtards did such a good job picking Hillary over Bernie.
  7. The other thing to do is just post a ride here. Meet time, route..all the details. Peeps will start showing up.
  8. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Lots of us did that in the spring. It is a great ride, and by far the best choice for getting down there. Not sure what my plan is yet, I may leave really early or I may go down to Parkersburg on Friday.
  9. And don't let the medium scare you off, you want it snug. It doesn't create heated air, it needs to be against you to pass heat to your body.
  10. I got 13k on the clock so far this year.
  11. Its dead. I banned everyone.
  12. One of you peeps on the fall gap trip should buy this. You will need it. Changes the game, makes it a total joy.
  13. Apparently it is easy, just vote Trump. http://abcnewsgo.co/2016/09/25-percent-of-federal-employees-said-theyd-consider-quitting-if-donald-trump-elected-president/
  14. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I could take Friday off. But four days of you 's is enough tyvm.
  15. Tonik

    NEO to Marietta 9-24

    Just something to ponder, I will bet a dozen donuts you were not too hot for the bike. Bike was fine, it would have made it if you let it. It was your head that decided it was too hot. We all have done it. Glad you and the scoot are ok man.
  16. Derek wins both the internet and motorcycling for today. Hell, for a week at least.
  17. And today he can't hear.
  18. And again today. DerbyCon is serious shit.
  19. So this happened yesterday.
  20. So @Casper just took a selfie with some random black dude that he hopes might be with Wu Tang.
  21. So yea, I just met method man. And in a couple hours I will be the second shift for wu tang's security.
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