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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I'm really gonna enjoy banning one of you asshats.
  2. Pike Peak was cool, but didnt live up to expectations. Kind of like the dragon I guess. Got sick as hell up there. Headed to Denver now.
  3. One of the coolest parts of this resort is its all high tech. Reserved and checked in online. PIN on the door is last four of my phone number. Actually have not met or talked to anyone that actually works here. Perfect for me since I hate people.
  4. When they heard I was coming.
  5. HOLY FUCK they sell donuts at the top of Pikes Peak. Tomorrow is going to be epic.
  6. Lol, Mrs Tonik is locked in a debate with herself...ride up poke peak with me or take the gondola.
  7. Yea, Million is amazing. Caught it with no traffic. Unbelievable.
  8. That happens a lot. Cold and damp in the mornings, often fog. Hot and wet in the afternoons.
  9. Tomorrow, the million dollar highway.
  10. This OR, we are here to make you feel worse.
  11. Besides you? Can't think of anyone. @NinjaDoc had it real bad last year. He might be able to help.
  12. Outstanding, even with the 91 octane out here. Aint no 93. I'm pulling up the mountains in higher than normal gears no problem. Even ran real tall for about 50 miles when I was concerned about gas. Ran at about 2100 no problem.
  13. Ok, this is rapidly turning into another gay ass 'guess what bike I got' thread.
  14. Google Map Estes Park CO. That is where we are tonight. Then find 34 coming in from the west, we came in that way. Hit 13k in elevation, that is where we saw the elk. Amazing road, on top of the mountains, 1000's of feet straight down.
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