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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Wow, these guys are really giving each other up. It's every man for themselves at this point. @2talltim saw that @ScubaCinci threw him under the bus and now texts me that he doesn't feel so bad about Joe breaking down Sunday. No honor among thieves is the saying isn't it?
  2. So I got home Saturday afternoon from my ride with @DerekClouser and @whaler around 1:30 or so. Wife says, what are you doing back, its usually 6 or so when you go to SEO. Part of my answer was they were way faster than me and I didn't want to hold them up. And she says: "You should add a sportbike to the garage so you can roll with those people." Not what I expected, but I will certainly take it. Not so sure I am going to do it, but maybe. I am concerned about my back. It isn't 'bad' but it is borderline, I have to be careful with it to avoid trouble. Anyway, what should I get? Bad's VFR was my first thought, just to piss him off. But that is more than I would want to invest in a once in awhile bike plus it would need to have front suspension work to make it right for someone of my weight.
  3. So I just got a text from one of @2talltim 's co conspirators. They are totally throwing him under the bus to avoid extended ban's. Seems he told them about it.
  4. There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he would have to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. “That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he observed. “It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.
  5. Do they have you read Catch-22 in Korean schools?
  6. Only an hour and a half left until the ban expires and I still have not heard a word from the three stooges. I find that odd, I would have thought that they would have spoke up.
  7. Always knew this, now there is proof. Damn Nix guys, need to put them all in jail. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/nsa-labels-linux-journal-readers-155422974.html
  8. Everyone give @2talltim rep. His Tapatalk fires all kinds of notifications, which seems to piss him off while banned.
  9. You are going to get as many opinions here as you found with Google. Hook up with someone you know and follow their lead.
  10. But is it an extra day if he skipped the first day because of the bug? Another way to look at it is that this was a contest, and the ban was one of two possible prizes. And extra day is a reward!
  11. And you actually fixed something around here. World is upside down man.
  12. Your wifes opinion does not count.
  13. I can not fathom for the life of me why they wouldn't also mention the police officers. That seems incredibly stupid.
  14. Interesting, I think it's you. Just not used to it, not sure how far to push it. It would be interesting next time we see each other to see who can stop faster. Say 60 to 0. We can just measure it out on the side of a road. Even though mine probably weighs 350 pounds more than your I think my ABS would overcome that and stop quicker than you. But there is no doubt in my mind you can stop much quicker than a big cruiser without ABS.
  15. I got the giant one like Tim. It will charge a dozen phones and jump a three Triumphs with ease. But I also have giant saddle bags and a trunk, so space is not as much of an issue on my bike.
  16. What do you have to say now bitches? Should I extend your ban one day to make up for the lost day while @Casper the genius fixed tapatalk? Speak up if I shouldn't. If you are quiet I'll assume you agree to the extension. Dont f' with the IT peeps.
  17. Tonik

    Vintage Days

    They will be there early. She will have on her epic ride tshirt. She is tiny, he is huge. Dont tell anyone I helped.
  18. I figured you would be smart enough to look at the two winners posts. Guess I over estimated your intelligence.
  19. Tonik


    This is interesting. BLM leader takes shoot or dont shoot test and either dies or shoots unarmed people.
  20. F'ing @Casper He bork banning too.
  21. How in the hell did you post?
  22. Tonik

    Ride 4 Record

    Lots. The cops in Northfield have no sense of humor.
  23. Tonik

    Ride 4 Record

    So we could all be part of a Guinness world record. Aug. 28th. Most number of motorcycles started at once. Triumph's not allowed. http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2016/07/08/hard-rock-rocksino-to-host-world-record-attempt-for-motorcycles-started-simultaneously
  24. Tonik


    Doesn't look like Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama's plan's worked much better either.
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