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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Exactly my thoughts, very little traffic on Boston, and not really that much on Riverview. I don't recall ever seeing an accident there. I suspect it is a speed control issue.
  2. Font sizes for different forum titles are different. It offends my IT personality, they have to match. And no, it isn't an unread vs read thing. All of the below are read. Correction, it is on mobile and full.
  3. The intersection at West Boston Mills Rd. and Riverview is now a 4 way, right there by Boston Mills Ski Resort. I sat there like a dumbass on West Boston for awhile before I figured it out. The constructions down by the ranger station at Vaughn Rd. is finished, they raised the heck out of the part that floods all the time.
  4. Remind me to tell you about the time he drank anti freeze and went off on @Casper in the moderators sub-forum because he was too messed up to figure out how to turn off notifications.
  5. Wooo, that sounds really good. Will make a hypothetical batch of that next.
  6. Disposable extra large shot glasses procured.
  7. Tonik

    2015 Grom

    The important question is....is that Speed Triple you had your eye on still available?
  8. We could do that, we have @MidgetTodd !!!
  9. The lighter less abrasion resistant gear you are wearing is better than the full racing leather at home in your closet. Now if you can wear full racing leather on the street at 90 degree's then by all means wear it, you are better protected. But if you find yourself leaving it at home.....get something cooler.
  10. Tonik

    Road rage

    Yep, and don't confront someone that messed with you, just let it go.
  11. Sorry, my mistake. I thought you were taking the Multi on this trip.
  12. The changes you suggested...going out 64 from Franklin shortened it by 50 miles. If you want the original route plus Blood Mountain I would do the below: https://goo.gl/maps/tSjyCoAyGiP2 Then where you see that marker that says 'Wolf Pen Gap'. Just round trip Wolf Pen from there, you won't be sad. But stick with it, half way across you will wonder WTF I sent you down that road, it doesn't get great until you go across the crappy bridge by a river and a small park. There is a big gas station on the corner, you can't miss it. You really don't want to skip 348 man, I promise.
  13. Can you read? He is already trying to shorten the route. I am trying to help. You on the other hand have offered nothing helpful.
  14. 64 west if Franklin sucks, plus you miss 28 south of Highlands and War Woman road. Doing it all in one day on a sportbike is pretty ambitious. Bust it up into two days.
  15. Tried to fix if for you, but they are really messed up. Are they uploaded here, or hosted on another site? If another site just post the link, leave out the IMG tags. So just paste: ....http://www.fliker.com/image.jpg.... for example.
  16. Yep, and zero dead batteries. You should ponder that.
  17. Rain tires. You sportbiketards crack me up with your tires.
  18. That is similar to what I do, but I run down 28 first. Keeps you off the Skyway in the morning which can be wet, damp, foggy in the mornings. I skip 19 and toss in 348 and 180/wolf pen gap. https://goo.gl/maps/fgbbuk5zcn72
  19. Yesterday between Ashland and CBus I lost count after 23. Most I have ever seen, they were almost all writing tickets, not just sitting there.
  20. Yes, yes it is. We are in Marion. Where the hell are you?
  21. That happens on mobile if you start a quote and then try and change it. It used to be worse, but an update made it a bit better. If you clear cookies in your browser it will go away.
  22. I can only ban people, I cant make sub forums.
  23. Tonik

    IP run 5/28

    It was good not seeing you.
  24. I think Pauly has a spot in his room. We are staying darn close to a state park in Marion Wednesday night..dunno what camping they have there.
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