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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    IP run 5/28

    1030ish still looks pretty accurate.
  2. Dual accounts are strictly prohibited. I am banning you.
  3. Tonik

    IP run 5/28

    I'll post updated eta's in the am.
  4. Tonik

    IP run 5/28

    Leaving CLV 830ish. So at the Pony 1030ish. Be there an hour and a half I suspect. Then back up 62 getting BBQ. Clarification, stabbing down.
  5. No, staying at a Hampton instead of the Hyatt is the best kind of camping.
  6. So you have a cabin, and are sleeping outside? And you think this is a good idea?
  7. Lol, you need a road trip out there my friend.
  8. You will have to pay me 50 twice to use my shower twice.
  9. That's more than my King room at Fontana.
  10. SE Harley rents. I think most of them do.
  11. Good luck with that, the mods here suck.
  12. If I recall correctly this is your first bike and first year riding....if so wait until next year. Or the fall.
  13. Credit cards are not RFID, they are EMV. Other than the few that say 'wave' or 'pass' on them like Visa PayWave. There were no credit cards in the above video, it was about the prox sensor systems for door locks. You may have noticed my kid opened a door...he didn't buy shit.
  14. Suggestions for a decent touring boot, not too tall? Maybe runs a little wide...
  15. Or my kid will steal your stuff. http://www.newsnet5.com/news/local-news/oh-cuyahoga/investigation-rnc-goers-clevelanders-a-target-for-hackers-cloning-id-badges?autoplay=true
  16. You made a sausage run and are surprised you ass is sore?
  17. Pretty sure the feeling is mutual.
  18. But bars, liqour in restaurants...hell restaurants period. All within crawling distance.
  19. If we stayed where I usually stay and have suggested we could have walked there.
  20. Wrong thread I'm a dumbass.
  21. Infinite loop of Derek crossing the yellow line. http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=EL6dHUtp3R8&p=n#/98;104
  22. So you blured that one part near the beginning so we couldn't see you way over the yellow?
  23. There is one not far from our hotel Wednesday night. You asshats really dont seem to comprehend who you are rolling with.
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