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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I would pay to see that. Not much, but i would pay.
  2. The phone companies, look at all the free advertising they are getting......companies now have full time peeps just dreaming up ways to get out on social media and have videos go viral. And it works, Casper clearly has fallen for their BS.
  3. I just sent her one asking her to sign our petition.
  4. Ok, time to raise the stakes. I have started a petition on Change.org. If we can get 100K signatures then Obama has to do something about this. https://www.change.org/p/casper-operation-cbrgrl
  5. Tonik

    Paper or Plastic?

    Well, Giant Eagle closes in 8 minutes. Guess I will come back tomorrow.
  6. Tonik

    Paper or Plastic?

    I asked because its pretty common knowledge that plastic recycling is bushit and doesnt really happen. http://qz.com/122003/plastic-recycling-china-green-fence/
  7. Tonik

    Paper or Plastic?

    Are you saying there is a law that says you cant throw away plastic bags?
  8. Tonik

    Paper or Plastic?

    Ok, the clear winner is paper. I have updated the poll with the choices in paper bags we are now faced with. With handles or without. Certainly with handles, at first glance, is more appealing but I am concerned that if the kid packs too much shit in one the handles will break. Tough choice here, dunno. But we do need to hurry this process up. My ice cream has melted all over the place and the rent a cop at Giant Eagle is giving me the eye.
  9. Yea, but it was too big of a temptation to fit in the negative Ducati reference in a thread about buying a Ducati.
  10. Damn thing broke down more than a Ducati. Cut your losses and get a good bike.
  11. Tonik

    Paper or Plastic?

    I appreciate the info on canvas bags. But as I stated I am in line trying to decide, I don't have a canvas bag on me. So that choice is out.
  12. Ok, so I am at Giant Eagle and she just asked 'Paper or Plastic'. I can't decide, so help me OR. What has been your experiences...do you have any insight to offer? I am madly going through online reviews with my phone but I just can't decide.
  13. You buy an actual motorcycle and actually drive it to my house and show me an actual title in your name and I will take you to an actual Cavs game. EDIT: This week. EDIT 2: Without an 10 page thread on what to buy.
  14. Maybe he can sub contract the threads out to Nivin and Brian.
  15. Hellmutt, I dont know anyone that owns a Multi that is happy with the wind protection. IP on his gen one has had eleventy billion windshields and still isnt happy. My buddy has a gen two and has done the same and is still not happy. My understanding is that we are talking about pretty substantial hellmutt buffering on the gen 2's. See what I did there?
  16. So...the hackers made OR better. Then Casper broke the porn and got rid of Carie. Thanks Casper.
  17. Wow, 20 minutes and IP isn't in here with a chubbie talking about how awesome they are. Hope he is ok.
  18. So as many of you know Carie hasn't been around in awhile. While down in the dragon with Casper I got some more info on what happened. It seems OR was hacked a little bit, some of you may recall being redirected to porn sites randomly when coming here last fall. Well it seems Casper blamed Carie and reset her password. So take a moment and send her a PM and let her know we don't blame her for her husbands incompetence and she should come back. She can reset her password via email, she doesn't need to rely on Casper to do it. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/user/8630-cbrgirl/
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