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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. And all that time in the kitchen explains why the bike has more miles on a trailer than on the actual road.
  2. That would explain a lot.
  3. Wooo, maybe he already got returned. Carrie is pretty smart, it could have happened.
  4. That would have been over in a few minutes, tops.
  5. My mom taught me to drive too. 1974 Corvette 454....doing 90 down the middle lane of a freeway both of us drinking Manhattans bringing back Chinese food. She says 'Watch this' and downshifts into 3rd and nails it. Takes off like a rocket...she swings out to the left lane to pass a car just as the freeway curves to the right. She panics and jerks the wheel and we spin out. 2.5 donuts across the freeway and we launch through the ditch and through a fence onto a golf course. Sitting right on the green next to the flag we can't open the doors we are buried so far in the mud. So I pop one of the T Tops, she passes out the Manhattans and the Chinese and we scramble up the side of the freeway. One of my buddies dad's saw us go in, he gave us a lift home.
  6. Why does Apple hate motorcycles? Why do riders support them in their quest to destroy motorcycle companies by buying their phones and fattening their warchest? http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/10/19/electric-motorcycle-startup-shutters-after-losing-top-talent-to-apple
  7. Did she ground you when you got a ticket?
  8. If we need more immigrants, cool. Up the quotas and have them go through the process. And I do think we need to dramatically up the quotas, it's great for the economy and is one of the foundations of our country. But for the record kicking them out won't cost much. Make it a felony with mandatory time in the Federal Pound You in The Ass prison for hiring an illegal. They won't get a job, they will leave. They left in droves after the 2008 crash. And honestly, I only hear the Dems talking about the Repubs wanting to kick them out as a tactic to get votes. I don't hear any serious Repubs talking about kicking them out. As for making the current one's legal while I am not opposed to that but I will not stand for it until AFTER the border is secure. Back when Reagan was president we went through this....Ronnie with the backing of the Dems made all the current illegals legal and promised to secure the border. Obviously it never happened.
  9. Waste of time and money. http://news.yahoo.com/hungary-says-migrant-influx-stops-114617312.html
  10. I nominate this for post of the year.
  11. Did NinjaDoc hack Snot's account?
  12. I just consider the source. The guy that trailerd down then sat in the cabin the whole next day on his computer.
  13. Shame we didn't get the crazy old dude that was so happy to see us.
  14. Well, unlike your tires, you wear it well.
  15. 700lb Bike + 200lb Tim + Fuckin Race Bike + 4 days in the Smokeys = New Tires.
  16. Some states suck on that stuff. Seems like the closer you are to either ocean the worse it is.
  17. Mobil 1 is way better than dish soap.
  18. Seems plausible to me. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/police-radar-gun
  19. Based on your description the posted speed limit was still 35. You passed a 35 mph black and white sign and don't mention another one saying it was higher. No, they yellow signs are not enforceable unless you have an accident on the curve then it can be used to show you were driving 'unsafe'.
  20. Have any of the Connie asshats you know tried any of the dual compound tires? I realize they are not as sporty but they might be a decent compromise.
  21. Well, look at the bright side. These are wearing so fast you will be trying the next brand sooner.
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