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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I'm assuming the empty slot is where the bad fuse was. Don't know that bike but based on the location and the size of the cables it is the main power fuse. The question is...why did it blow. Here is my current theory. 1) You do have a bad battery, thus the original problem. 2) Something went wrong with the jump and blew that fuse.
  2. That makes you the 'man'. Sorry, love you man (in a non-homo way) but we don't know if you are posting with your OR persona or your 'the man' persona.
  3. That kind of catastrophic failure of a battery is rare. Pull the battery and take it across the street and have them test it for you.
  4. Without a test light or a volt meter you are doing all you can do, check each component for visable damage. I am betting your battery took a shit.
  5. F'ing Cuba's is better than ours. Ours is a disgrace. Hillary had it right years ago when she was First Lady. We would be past the pain of transition by now and on our way to something acceptable.
  6. Pretty epic. https://www.facebook.com/stephen.clay.315/videos/879711265451372
  7. Yea, that's what the 'man' wants you to think. Right up until he puts you in cuffs and sends you to the federal pound you in the ass prison.
  8. The plot thickens. The State Fire Marshall has called in the ATF. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/in-full-throttle-saloon-s-rubble-investigators-to-sift-through/article_1208f96d-e321-54d7-8a95-9ead07bb54e2.html
  9. I like the formal complaint idea. That stuff is actually a big deal where I work. The fact she admitted it and is proud of what she did helps.
  10. Very well marked, huge sign in your windshield as you pull in. To be clear, she told the people that track parking passes she did it on purpose.
  11. Did you guys know that Cuba is the ONLY country in the world that has completly eliminated the transfer of HIV from infected pregnant mothers to there children. Zero children born in Cuba to HIV positive mothers have HIV. US is in the high twenty percent. We pay for those kids for the rest of their lives via Medicre. Pay me now or pay me later.
  12. I left part of the story out. An important part. She left for lunch, from her general non reserved spot. One of our guys who is a general parker also pulled into the nkw open spot. Her move was total retaliation.
  13. So a few of us at work have reserved parking, I am one of them. This school year it has been pretty bad with asshats taking our spots. Normally I just leave them a polite note. Today I had enough, pulled the parking tag number off the car and called the main office where they have records of who has what tag. The decided to protect one of their own and refused to tell me. That really pissed me off. So I pulled the security camera video and have clearly identified the offender. I hold this persons entire IT life in my hands. I can delete all their email, their documents, lock them out, ban the from the internet, make their computer slow has hell. Anything like that you can think of, I can do it. Hell, I can set their web browser home page to Lemon Party if I want. So should I go the passive aggressive route and do something like that, or should I just go into their office and call them an asshat?
  14. My group did not get rained on during the actual event. All the other groups did. That is a fact.
  15. Google is that smart. They know everything about you. Those targeted ads are how they make boatloads of money.
  16. At this point, I think I need to get two dozen donuts instead of the one I usually get.
  17. You idiots, they are all 1%'ers.
  18. Interesting that it burnt down just after the rally.
  19. Tonik

    Attn: PC Gamers

    There are a group of us that have convinced MS to at least make them available to Enterprise customers. So it will be public knowledge at that point. They have done some major rearranging of the update group, I think in part due to all the shitty updates last year and a half or so. So things are a bit disorganized right now. I think they just made a stupid decision...and needed a band of irate enterprise customers and famous MVP's to get together and tell them they were retards.
  20. If you kick me in the nads, no donut for you.
  21. Burnt right to the ground. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2015/09/08/world-largest-biker-bar-burns-to-ground/
  22. Normally I wouldn't say this but Hellmutt has been rather mean to me lately. So I am suspending the man club rules. He may control 100 percent of the kitchen passes in the house but you control 100 percent of the vaginas in the house. You have the power here.
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