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Posts posted by Tonik

  1. Or would it be better to try and get new carbs all together? .

    Not unless you find major issues when he gets them apart, which I seriously doubt. I have rebuilt carbs from the 30's. Unless there is physical damage they will come out just fine.

  2. Problem with that would be a complete jackass with a few friends on here giving him/her positive rep all the time. There'd be no balance if no one gave them negative rep.

    Or an extra gmail account or two.

    If you have positive rep you need negative rep. Can't have good without evil.....God needs his Devil....all that kind of stuff.

  3. all together, i can't imagine what the folks over at harley can offer that would improve upon the class offered by the folks at MSF, at a cost difference exceeding 300+, but that's just me.

    If I understand that comment correctly, I just wanted to clarify something for you so you would understand the difference. The 300 dollar course is exactly the same as the one you took, in fact the one you took also costs 300 dollars. The State picked up the other 275 bucks.

    The only difference is that the one you went to fills up fast, because of the cost savings of course. People go to the other one and pay the 300 bucks because they can't get a spot, or are in a hurry to get their license...maybe because they waited too long and their temp is about to expire......

  4. Hello all,

    .apparently I must have missed the next turn and continued for about 30 miles down 68 (not sure the route).

    Did you see a bunch of REALLY big horse farms? If so that was 68. I love going down that section for the huge horse farms, it is the route we take from Cleveland when we go to the Dragon. Get on 62 near Columbus...it turns into 68. About 45 minutes longer overall but getting off the freeway for awhile is well worth it.

    I will be on it Friday, I am heading down for a few quick Dragon runs.

  5. Don't put all the confidence in a color awareness thing. It's best to make yourself the primary awareness. Just don't let it happen.

    Absolutely. The color awareness thing is just added insurance, it does not replace proper defensive riding.

  6. I was looking at those. Man I'd feel goofier than hell wearing that thing, but I bet I wouldn't get hit.

    You shouldn't feel goofy. Have confidence in your manhood!! No other bikers give me crap about it. They know I am right, and so do I. :D

  7. hate to say it but Ive been run off the road twice and have seriously been thinking about that bright a** green gear like the road crews wear

    I wear one of the bright day glo green/yellow ones from FirstGear. It is mesh with a nice removable liner. There is no doubt it helps, I jump out blocks away. I have had many cagers mention it to me.

  8. I have not gotten one but I have it from a VERY reliable source that the LEO's are cracking down in several area's around Ohio. Cleveland/NE Ohio is one of the prime target area's.

    Expect DUI checkpoints near bike nights. My source will probably be there running it.

  9. Couple of choices here.

    Turn your current risers around. Sounds crazy, looks goofy as heck but it works on that bike.

    Scootworks has some, and in black if you want it that way:


    These people make an extension that sits on your current risers, but might not be what you want, they will raise it but also move it back towards you more. It is a cheaper way to go.


    Another option is to drill out your bushings to 1/2 inch and get some cheap used harley risers.

  10. I'm going to be camping in the general area at that time. I think on those dates I'm staying near Tellico Plains area, but I don't think it's very far from Deal's Gap (40 min?)

    It's a little further than you think, I think. Probably about 90 minutes and you are better off going up 68 to 411 and back in on the TN side. Across the skyway is probably 2 hours.

  11. Toss a wind breaker on underneath it. Cheap good fix. Not giving you a hard time but it is an easy fix. Roll it up and put some Velcro ties around it and bungee it somewhere on your bike.

    Where do you sport bike guys put your shit on your bikes anyway? I got two saddle bags of crap I think I can't get along without..... :)

  12. FWIW since I am a noob with just a few posts...Cleveland Photographic Society is legit. I used to be a member for several years. They are one of the countries longest running photo clubs, since the late 1800's.

    Good people, an older crowd but some VERY talented photographers.

  13. Sodomy is a crime

    but back OnT, I didn't see anything in the ORC about allowing local administrations to override the law, if you get a ticket (and it likely is 50$ or some crap so noone will fight it) you'd have to take it past the local court, then it would get overridden.

    Sodomy as a crime got repealed in Ohio in the 70's.

    Very good point on the ORC thing, I think you are very right. I have passed the info on to the guy that got nailed for it.

  14. It appears Rocky River passed a local ordinance against vertical license plates and is enforcing it. I am pretty sure vertical is ok under Ohio law. Weird that they would bother with something like that at the city level. Also weird that they actually can pass a law like that. Seems like a state license plate display issue is a state issue.

    But I am not a lawyer, I only play one on a message board.

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