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Posts posted by Tonik

  1. I am adjusting my earlier prediction of Piney killing Clay or Tig by seasons end to Piney killing Clay.....

    WAY too soon for Clay to get killed. The issues between Clay and Jax and the struggle for the direction of the club are the whole premise for the series. If Clay is dead then Jax makes it a 'nicer' club and there is no reason to continue the series.

  2. What's the story on that 2008 Venture. I see the pics, looks like it was just laid down on it's side and it is all cosmetic. I am buying a Venture this winter. How many miles on it. Wonder if the 5 year warranty still applies to an S title. Feel free to email or pm me the details if you don't want it posted.

  3. That's what a filtering service subscription is for. Instant updates so I don't have to. Thank you, SmartFilter.

    SmartFilter is usually several days behind this guys mailing list.


    He sends out new ones every couple of days, so if your users have found him and gotten on the mailing list they are pretty much able to beat SmartFilter. I subscribe to the list and just blow them out in DNS. Surprised SmartFilter hasn't subscribed.

  4. Rubber gloves FTW.

    Get some decent warm gloves then get some giant oversized rubber gloves that go over the top of them. Thin flexible ones like for dishwashing or industrial use. Hardware stores have black ones so you don't have that crazy dishwashing lime green or yellow thing going on. I got some that are real thin that go almost up to my elbows for rain. Tried them on a cold day and they 100 percent block the wind from getting through the gloves...and the regular gloves are then plenty of insulation to keep me warm. Works real well down to 30 so far, and my fingers normally FREEZE below 50.

    We are talking a 2 dollar investment here.

  5. I am a degree'd certified system engineer and I can't figure out how to get to my subscribed social groups quickly and easily. Am I stupid or is that just not easy to do? I pretty much have to go to social groups on the quick link...view all and scroll through and try and remember which I belong to or am interested in.

  6. Windshield, as long as it stays clean and distortion free which yours certainly is. It gives a better sense of what is happening when the bike is in there. Just keep in mind that with the speedo shown you are giving proof positive to the LEO's of your speed.

    People have been tracked down and busted for it, very rare and they were people doing insane things but it has happened.

  7. I was pulled over and told that I was operating my motorcycle wrecklessly????!

    Reckless driving can carry a pretty big penalty, especially if you have other traffic violations in the last year. Contact the court, tell them you can not afford an attorney and they will point you towards the public defenders office where you can get a lawyer for free. Call soon so your lawyer has a chance to do his thing. Are you still active reserve...can you wear your uniform? Talk to your lawyer about wearing to to court. It might help and you earned it.

  8. For the cost extension tubes are a decent deal but make sure they support your lens for auto focus. Manual focus on Macro is not fun. 105VR from Nikon when you get the cash. Or the Sigma 105 or the Tamron 90 to save money, you can get either of those for about half the Nikon and they are very good lenses. The Nikon is certainly better, and worth it but sometimes the cost is an issue

  9. Speakin' of Peg Bundy..... Is that chest scar Katey's or Gemma's??

    Gemma's. Jax's brother died when he was born...preemie and heart problems. The heart problems come from Gemma's side and that scar looks typical what you have when you have open heart surgery.

    There was a scene last season when Jax's baby was having his problems and Gemma said something about the 'family curse' and she touched the scar on her chest as she said it.

  10. I ran fourteen+ scans over two days to get rid of the last one. Both safe mode and normal mode scans. It didn't quite go away on the first try.

    There is a point where I think you need to say f' it and format the drive and do a clean install. I understand why some folks clean them but I rarely clean a machine, once it is compromised I just don't trust it anymore.

  11. Nice. I did it on fast and missed the one with the timer on the post. Do we even have those around here?

    Have not seen that one in the practice. You mean the timer in the crosswalk so the pedestrians know when to speed it up? Yea a few cities around here have them...the 'richer' cities. They are very common on the east cost.

  12. From what I understood the cops paid some of his debts to make it look like he sold them out but I'm not sure.

    You got it.

    The ATF was all over SAMCRO. At the same time Jax, Opie and one other guy put a hit on a customs officer that was messing with their gun shipment setup. The ATF hauled Opie in and while he was in jail they paid off his bills and mortage and hid him for a few days making it look like he had rolled over.

    Clay ordered Tiggs to kill Opie but wanted it to look like another gang, they hit his wife by accident thinking it was Opie.....she was driving Opies truck. At the time no one else except Clay and Tiggs knew about the hit. Jax figured it out and so did Opies dad, but the rest of the gang including Opie still think it was the other gang.

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