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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Delayed, Tracy broke down. Getting her home. About a 45 minute delay....will keep you posted.
  2. Here you go. You may have to drop a couple waypoints at the beginning, it starts near my house. I use ITN Converter, it is free. Get the 'Travel Version' so you don't have to install Java. Just add lots of extra waypoints in google maps so that Honda does not reroute you. Then you paste the long link into the Converter, hit the editor and check that it looks good and export. http://www.benichou-software.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&itemid=3&lang=en WVPizzaHome.gpxHometoWVPizza.gpx
  3. Bump. Original plan is still a go.
  4. Unemployment down to 13.3% and 2.5 MILLION jobs added. Thanks Trump!!!
  5. That video is 4 years old.
  6. No, that this from l77 and Pleasant Valley Rd. So if we meet at that gas station I would say apx. 9 AM.
  7. It will be fine. Call if you need a hand.
  8. Looks like 17 and 19 are needed. I don't have either of those. Can bring it here if you want moral support.
  9. And what size and year Monster is it?
  10. Do you have the right Allen socket for that plug?
  11. Rules: Smallish group, 5 or 6 bikes tops. First come first served. Social distancing will be expected at stops. Masks, wear them at the stops. This is an RTE. We are getting pizza to go at DiCarlo's in Wheeling, then walking a block to sit by the shores of the Ohio River and eat said pizza. Going to be a pretty fair amount of freeway on this one, due to the time involved. We will be starting early. Leaving Cleveland at 8:30. Check the route below and pick a spot to meet up. The Shell on the NE corner of 18 and 77 may be a good spot. It will be an 8ish hour day, pace will be medium slow. Except after lunch when we go up 147. I am going to light it up and wait at the top for everyone. Route down: https://goo.gl/maps/fJ8oCdVWenzrVEDs9 Route back: https://goo.gl/maps/NRszyLoxoA8igNTv7
  12. I don't think the protesters are coordinating with the asshats. But the asshats are opportunists and know when to strike. There were some reports out of LA that the asshats are working together. A small group would break some windows and the cops would flood the area...while the main group was three blocks over looting like crazy. They did it several times.
  13. Glad we agree on this one. We need more of that these days
  14. We are a nation of laws, and the law says the federal government can do exactly that as mentioned in the article. That's it. Mods lock this thread.
  15. Ahhh, but what if it was Antifa pretending to be white supremacists pretending to be Antifa?
  16. FTFY. He was already dead when the medics got there.
  17. And there is plenty of video showing the resisting....it was minimal. Not even close to needing a taser let alone an execution...he was handcuffed on the ground. Hog tie him like they often do and toss him in the back of a car.
  18. They were not called until he was in serious distress and already on the ground, with a knee on his neck and bleeding from his mouth. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/george-floyd-death-timeline-from-arrest-to-asphyxiation/news-story/3d574145a17045bb5d6c042f8df264ba While the paramedics were checking for his pulse, which they did not find, the cop still had his knee on the dudes neck. He was already dead, how much resisting could he possibly be doing.
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