I am 6 1 with a 32 inseam. Legs are not an issue because your legs are more under you so you just end up with knees being a bit more bent. If you want, for 500 bucks you can have the seat modded to give you an extra inch of space to move back, it will not impact your passenger.
Handlebars may need to be modded, but will depend on how far forward you like to sit...lean forward a bit...or lean back a bit or be more upright will impact that. They make a riser plate for that. The above seat mod will also impact handlebar reach of course.
If you want to go all in, which I am doing this winter for 700 bucks, you can replace the handlebars with a set that are 100 percent adjustable. Forward, back, up, down and angle are pretty much fully adjustable.