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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Get Low. Lil John and the east side Boyz.
  2. My sisters husband has got it. Seems to be ok so far. He got it while in prison, he is doing 20 to 40 under Michigans three strikes law. They moved him to a prison that is just for Covid positive inmates.
  3. Tonik


    Wrong thread.
  4. I know who it is, fuck that guy.
  5. Tonik

    Gun advice

    What if your family is scattered around the house, and some of them are working with the intruder but you don't know which ones?
  6. Tonik

    Gun advice

    For me the decision is more basic than that. If I have to shoot that means I am defending my life. That means shoot until the threat is for sure neutralized.
  7. Tonik

    Gun advice

    Warn him that he has been discovered and you are armed? Naw, I am finding him and shooting him many many times.
  8. Tonik

    Gun advice

    Not a fan of shotguns for home defense. If the SHTF indoors that barrel can be a problem. That said I understand the benefit of only having to pull the trigger once. Tuff call. But the real answer to 'what is the best gun' is the one you have in your hand when you need it.
  9. Tonik

    Gun advice

    The biggest hand cannon you are comfortable shooting. I would assume you would be fine with a good full frame 45. My wife who is not strong and never a gun nut is deadly with ours. I am a huge fan of the FN 45. 16 rounds, not much kick and it is SA/DA. So you can store it decocked and the first shot is a long trigger pull DA. So really safe in the nightstand. Then the second and on is single action, quick short pull. But there are tons of good guns out there. It boils down to what feels good in your hand. For the rodents, depends how far away. A small bore rifle like a 22 if they are far. Shotgun if they are close. Nothing wrong with an AR either for that. And you are covered for zombies.
  10. It's one thing to know how to do something, it is another to be able to teach it. That is really what MSF instructors excel at. They know how to teach it.
  11. @snot 's answer is the correct one. MSF first, then think about a bike.
  12. Tonik

    I have MS

    Just to present the opposing view. My wife went into the CC for a mammogram. Something went wrong it really hurt...she screamed stop...they did not and she passed out. Hit the floor hard and a major concussion. Week in the hospital, non-stop headaches ever since it happened in early December. She is fucked for life now.
  13. Ok, you are in charge. Of the whole world...I'll be China. Make your move.
  14. Any guesses why she says that while showing inaccurate charts?
  15. They got due process, Ohio Law allows the State to declare a health emergency and do stuff like this.
  16. So something like this...only more flattened and curved.
  17. I think the curves they are showing us are wrong. The first half of the curve is the same as the last have. Symmetrical. I don't believe this is accurate at all. We are not going to ramp down on the number of new cases as fast as we ramped up. The downside of the curve is going to take much longer than the ramp up.
  18. A glimmer of hope with some real science. Bit early https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/16/early-peek-at-data-on-gilead-coronavirus-drug-suggests-patients-are-responding-to-treatment/
  19. We are in agreement here. CNN pre Trump was pretty decent. They have jumped the shark in a major way. Saturday Night Lives latest sketch is front page for news there now FFS.
  20. Look, CNN sucks. Saying Fox is better than CNN is certainly true. But that does not make Fox good. CNN is better than MSNBC for example. Come on, Fox was calling Covid a hoax just a few weeks ago.
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