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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Yeah I have no idea now. ROM manager seems to be working perfectly now, did a full backup and reboot, successfully did "fix permissions" and rebooted. Everything seems fine, but when I go into root checker and do an advanced root check it says... Detailed Results: Congratulations! You have root access! Standard su binary location: /system/bin/su:No such file or directory Alternate su binary location: /sbin/su: Permission denied Root user id: uid=0(root) Root group id: gid=0(root) Wtf does that mean? Anyone wanna make $20 and just do this shit for me? Haha
  2. But still when I go to fix permissions in rom manager I still get the error trying to run privileged commands thing. I downloaded root checker and busybox and they say I have root. I really want to flash sad bamf 2.0 but now I'm scared shitless to lol.
  3. Weird. It didn't have any of the recovery options on it. Just the picture.
  4. It has clockworkmod recovery on it. I hadn't flashed it the second time I rooted, is that why I got the creepy death screen? Edit: sometimes when I do things in ROM manager I get the message an error occurred while trying to run privileged commands...that would lead me to believe its not rooted.
  5. I need some serious help lol. I had the phone rooted last night. This morning I was getting ready to load a ROM and forgot to put the new PG05IMG on the SD card before I went into recovery and started wiping everything. I rebooted the phone, and no longer had root. So I did a factory reboot and tried to run the boot program again. I used this one, and not the 2.1... http://www.droidforums.net/forum/thunderbolt-hacks/141936-auto-root-unroot-htc-thunderbolt.html I used that to root both times. Now I have the superuser app, and ROM manager seems to recognize root sometimes, but not others. And when I tried to boot into recovery I got a screen with a phone and a red triangle with an exclamation mark. I thought for damn sure I bricked my phone, but thankfully I didn't lol. Help a noob out.
  6. I had a mild case of testicular torsion in high school from running in boxers all the time. But I would have to say doing high jump in high school and missing the mat and landing on my head, or the pain after getting my tonsils out a couple months ago. Anyone that's had it done as an adult knows its 10x worse than when you're a kid. I was in bed doped up on liquid hydrocodone for a week straight. I damn near developed an addiction to the crap after a few days. Even with the meds I couldn't eat or drink much, could only sleep for an hour or so at a time as well. The worst of it only lasted about a week, but it was miserable. I'm a big baby though to be perfectly honest, and I've been fairly lucky with injuries and stuff like that. I've had some back issues as a result of getting hit by a jeep while I was standing still on my old bike, so I can only imagine what Brian is going through is immeasurable.
  7. Alright, I'm fixing to root tonight. What ROM should I go with? I'd like gingerbread so that I can have Netflix, but is it safe at this point? Or are there still a lot of bricks being shat?
  8. You try not to get sucked into the stupidity? http://i.imgur.com/IBMLol.jpg Bro, you got a fucking rainbow of colors going on there. Blue headlights and green fogs? THAT'S stupidity. :gabe: I remember going out to meets before I joined CR. All the little ricers would complain about how the CR guys were such meanie doo doo heads. I joined the site with an admittedly ricey car, but I didn't act like a douche and never had any problems.
  9. Bahahahahaha!!! I'm sitting on the shitter at work as I read that and am typing this response. I just lolled so hard I sharted loud enough for the whole building to hear. Thankfully I was already on the pot to contain this epic blast.
  10. No, I'm being dead serious. I can't remember the last time I did a, let's say 40-110 pull in my car. I just remember on my old bike it didn't take long at all. I know that's comparing apples to oranges, so that's why I asked what speed you guys started from. Don't get all butthurt now.
  11. Do elaborate on the 1 click root. If there's a safer gingerbread ROM coming out I might be more tempted.
  12. Seriously it took that long to get to 110? What did you guys start at? I'm not talking shit, I know all of those cars are probably faster than mine. I just guess I got a little jaded by my old bike and drive my WRX like a grandpa 80% of the time.
  13. Ugh I know, I know. How hard is it really? I also don't really know what I would do with root other than Netflix haha.
  14. Bump from the dead! Just got one of these this weekend and I'm loving it. Today was my first full day of use. Took it off the charger at about 11:30 am, finally hit yellow on the battery at 11ish pm. I downloaded the LTE switch and kept it in 3G most of the day, watched a couple videos in 4G to show it off, and did quite a bit of web surfing and texting while in 3G. Also I listened to the radio from probably 2:30 to 7, with breaks here and there. I was very pleasantly surprised with the battery life. My only disappointment is the lack of Netflix at this point. I'm afraid to root because I've heard about a lot of Thunderbolt's getting bricked because of it at this point, and I've never done it before so I don't trust myself not to screw it up.
  15. Only watched the first video so far, but watching them come up the hill at the end of it was pretty sweet.
  16. I knew he was a cocky SOB when he got to OSU, but I always hoped he would mature like Troy did. And then seeing things like this... Makes me think he was on the road to doing so, but there's only so many skeletons you can hide in a dorm/apartment closet.
  17. Mike, is there more coming? Or would there have been if he had stayed? I've got to wonder about this, with the announcement coming from his lawyer rather than him or a team spokesperson.
  18. I'm officially clinging to the scrotum of Jones' sig.
  19. Bigbird


    Absolutely not.
  20. Honestly though, I was very pleasantly surprised. I also giggled like a school girl when I walked outside and saw how meaty they looked, friggin awesome.
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