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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. My old 10000k's were BLUE...and I couldn't see ANYTHING. It was such a strain on my eyes, and in the rain it was even worse. The light output is pure garbage with 10000k, and with Jetta headlights they will only be worse.
  2. Paul, DIAF! Jay Kay lol wtfbbq, let me know when you're around Polaris and I'll buy you a beer.
  3. +1 It's insane to think that a car designed in the late 80's/early 90's can still look so modern today.
  4. Why do you have someone else's car in your sig?
  5. Thanks a ton for all your help. The kernel I downloaded automatically undervolts and also overclocks to 1.4, as well as sets a governor. I had it off the charger after wiping the battery stats for about 20 minutes and it stayed at 99% the entire time. I just woke up so I haven't taken it off today, but things are looking good so far!
  6. I downloaded a new kernel, the imoseyon lean kernel (v3.01GBtest1, downloaded v2.5.3GBtest7 as well, in case I don't see improvement with this one). It's taken just about half an hour to get from 80%-100% and I'm just about to wipe the battery stats. I do know that when I flashed the ROM the first time, and wiped the battery stats I wasn't at full charge...I MIGHT have even had the cord plugged in, but I can't remember. I've read that these can cause a huge hit to battery life, and that this (the kernel I'm running, and charging 100% and wiping battery stats) seems to fix it. Also, your tip of turning off USB debugging seemed to help too. I've also got Netflix working, so I'll see tomorrow how it all goes. Crossing my fingers for good battery life and no boot loops lol.
  7. I've got the Gingerbread radio and das BAMF 2.0-6 REMIX running on it right now. Wiped everything (3 times as you said), and just reflashed the BAMF ROM. Should I still revert back to Froyo? I was going to try and find a new kernel for BAMF right now.
  8. And after wiping and restoring, I'm again getting stuck at the das BAMF screen. Will attempt to reflash and see how it goes. Edit: So far the reflash seems to be working, obviously I haven't had it up very long.
  9. It's just the regular kernel that comes with BAMF 2.0-6 REMIX. Just wiped and am trying to restore. If that doesn't work I'll wipe again and reflash the rom. Jones, what kernel are you running with this ROM? The battery life was ass all day long, and it took HOURS on the charger to get from 70%-100%.
  10. Alright, wish me luck. I'm still a little in panic mode right now lol.
  11. Ok, FML. I had my phone plugged in all afternoon because it was taking forever to charge, and the battery was dying really fast. I was going to attempt what I posted above. So I decided to make a backup just because I hadn't done so on BAMF yet. Once I rebooted the phone started rebooting every time the sync symbol came up in the notifications bar. I had it straight fucked for a little while and it wouldn't go past the screen that said "das BAMF the baddest". Thankfully I was able to figure out a way to get it into clockwork recovery and restore the BAMF backup I attempted to make. Now I'm back to square one with it rebooting after being on for about a minute. Totally defeated here. I had PM'd Chris back when it was getting stuck on the BAMF screen. Don't know what to do now lol consider me a complete Droid failure. If anyone can help me I'll pay, buy beer, whatever. Just please help hahaha. I'm leaving it stock after this unless someone else who actually knows what they're doing can get it setup for me. Edit: Could I potentially try reflashing BAMF and the MR2 radio and see if that gives me a clean slate on this ROM/Gingerbread?
  12. Ahhh, got it. Charge to 100%, flash new kernel, wipe battery stats...profit??? Haha if I see the battery life some of these guys are talking about, I'm definitely going to do a a slight overclock.
  13. Jones, does your battery charge really slow? Mine seems to be with this ROM. And thanks again everyone that has helped me and put up with my noobness.
  14. Thanks for the help everyone, I've got BAMF 2.0 loaded up! I was only getting 3G but I rebooted and everything is good now! This is very slick. Though the batter seems to be dying pretty quick, but I guess I have been on here nonstop since I flashed this ROM. Only thing that isn't working so far is Netflix. Anyone have any trouble with this?
  15. Alright, gotta bug you guys again hahaha. I wanna flash das bamf 2.0. From my understanding I put it on my SD card and use clockworkmod recovery to flash it, correct? Does das bamf 2.0 include the mr2 radio, or do I need to flash that as well? If so, how do I do that along with flashing the ROM?
  16. Okay, now root check says... Congratulations! You have root access! And skips straight to alternate su binary location: permission denied. So does this mean I'm good to go as far as root goes? Can I bow before the majesty of cred?
  17. Motherfuck, it says I can't paste su in bin because "the file system is read only"...
  18. Should I have busybox install to bin or xbin?
  19. As a matter of fact it is lol. What do I do now?
  20. No, it is not. It goes stop, surfaceflinger, svc. And I did try to redo the root from the last step. It said complete and everything.
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