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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Yeah I heard about that too, my only worry would be insufficient wiping between ROMs. Also what's the MMS issue with stripped? I was thinking of giving that a try too.
  2. Anyone running Das BAMF Sense 3.0 RC 4.9? I'm thinking of switching it up and trying it out, also is it the 3D Sense 3.0? I wanna make my girlfriend jealous and have the pseudo-3D features because she's got Sprint and wants the EVO 3D haha.
  3. Jesus. Even my girlfriend wants to bone her.
  4. INB4 JP says blah blah you're scared blah blah you bitched out blah blah excuses blah blah.
  5. Shit, thanks for the heads up. I really liked Matt Farrah's Smoking Tire series, so I was looking forward to this.
  6. Welcome to the dark side. After you root, throw the phone in airplane mode, turn WiFi on, go to the market and download Wireless Tether and enjoy.
  7. No Hey Dude?!?! BLASPHEMY!
  8. This. I don't like paying more for less than I used to get at a lower cost.
  9. Awesome. Shall I go back to stealing TV shows and movies?
  10. Bigbird

    Flame war

    Phil, 280awhp+roll race=/=fast Kevin, race the poopra from a dig for $20. AJ, fix your exhaust and mow your lawn. I'm outie.
  11. Bigbird


    So yeah, how do I take all those pictures my phone uploaded and put them into separate folders? HALP GUISE!
  12. Bigbird


    Yeah, I'm going to play around with it for a bit and see how it is. I'm curious about when it uploads them, I'm guessing it's only after you save the picture, not when you're previewing it. It also says where you took the picture. It's only a rough guess unless you've got GPS activated on your phone. Kinda spooky.
  13. Bigbird


    The Android app just went though and uploaded every picture I've taken on my phone for me, and will from now on automatically upload them any time I take a picture. They go into a private folder until I choose to share them. I just can't figure out how to separate them into other folders.
  14. Bigbird


    This may sound completely retarded, but how do you make a new album? I've got a bunch of pictures on there that I uploaded from my phone, but I haven't shared yet. I want to make separate albums for the pictures.
  15. Bigbird


    Made a CR circle for people haha. Mine is lryanlove@gmail.com
  16. Bigbird


    Invite sent! I think...
  17. Used to do that by hand to one of my ex's cats. Damn thing was such a fucking spazz and I was sick of it. Hold him there for a few minutes and he would leave me alone for the rest of the afternoon.
  18. Bigbird


    Thanks, Nick!
  19. Bigbird


    Anyone still have an invite?
  20. Don't hate me for being an early adopter. The actual parade happened in 2000, and the first time it was on youtube was in 2006. I know it was on other websites before it was on youtube. So I just rounded to 2001 lol. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/technoviking
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