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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. I'm surprised by how much I dig your car. Nice. +rep
  2. Would give my first born...if I had one.
  3. Bigbird


  4. Yank a couple spark plugs for a week or so?
  5. I don't understand why the 350Z, RSX and Civic were even in that video??
  6. Breathtaking shots. My dad has always told me about his trips out there when he was young, and then trips on his Harley in recent years. I gotta make it out there some day.
  7. Same here, a dual card setup and some more RAM would be oh so juicy.
  8. I read somewhere that their periods attract bears. The bears can smell the menstruation!
  9. Fucking Epic Mealtime hahaha
  10. I got into a number of fights in elementary school. Some kid from a group of guys that would pick on me from time to time got pissy while we were playing basketball and started choking me. Just holding his arms out straight so I couldn't get real good hits on him. I took the bone on the bottom of my palm and hammered it into his temple a few times. Last hit knocked him on him on his ass. Then one of the other kids that would mess with me started talking shit and coming up to me. So I threw a haymaker style punch at him and bloodied his lip. The group never gave me trouble after that, and I ended up being cool with them in middle school and high school. I'm surprised no teachers saw this either, as it was on the playground right in front of everyone.
  11. That's impressive either way. I was really liking it when I was messing with it over the weekend. Definitely a lot snappier than my phone on Sense 3. I'm excited to see what's out next summer from HTC. Although the new Google acquisition of Motorola is intriguing as well.
  12. Aught, I forgot its dual core. Is that quadtant score on a Sense ROM, or AOSP? I can get 2600ish on my Thunderbolt OC'd to 1.4ghz, but that's on CM7. On a Sense ROM I can only get 1700ish, unless I use uber quadrant that comes with the BAMF ROMs, that nets me almost 2800.
  13. That's a little disappointing. I would have figured you could kick it up a bit more.
  15. The barometric pressure was pretty normal today, but it was a little low for the past couple days. I used to notice sinus issues when the seasons changed a lot more before I got my tonsils out this spring, now its not nearly as bad.
  16. I'll keep this in mind for when someone is able to root the new 2.3.3 OTA...lol. Phone already had it on it when I picked it up today, bum me out.
  17. Nevermind on the question about anyone selling an EVO. Now I need to know the good ROMs for this thing. The more stable the better as this is my girlfriend's phone. Also, how do radios work on the EVO compared to the Thunderbolt?
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