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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. I try to take my pup to alum creek dog park a few times a week. Its getting harder since I don't get out of work till 8:30 and its starting to get dark earlier. There's a bunch of huskies that go there though, so that's why I usually take mine there.
  2. Do any of you guys that have upgraded to the EVO 3D have an old EVO you're looking to get rid of?
  3. http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/05/android-iphone-state/ Apparently we buckeyes love us some Android. Not really an Apple bashing thread here, just thought some might find it interesting.
  4. Is there any way to get a different (more stock sense style) keyboard on handscent, or CM7 in general?
  5. Go to grocery store. Buy turkey. Baste turkey with antifreeze. Put turkey in trap. ???? Profit.
  6. I was looking at Liquid Thunderbread. Apparently there's a new update coming out for it very very soon. I'll probably wait for that and give it a shot. I'm not really liking BAMF Stripped, it feels like a normal Thunderbolt Sense ROM with a vanilla-ish theme. Still a lot of Sense left over in it. Which, while I like Sense, I feel like it defeats the purpose of a Vanilla ROM.
  7. Try one that has the "3D" setting if you can. It's cool to show off, gets a little annoying though. You can always turn it off in settings.
  8. Alcohol is a hell of a drug. Be glad I had coherent spelling :lolguy: Sorry for partying? And thanks for the insight everyone. I'll mess around with it some more and try out each (Vanilla and CM7). I can always flash back I suppose.
  9. Beers. ASAP. And dog play date. Although I know my pup is a pussy and Harley will scare the shit out of her hahaha. Do elaborate, por favor.
  10. I'm just drunk. Do work in whatever event you're competing in. Regardless of attire. I used to wear the shortest shorts possible for track meets just to blind other runners/jumpers with the ghastliness of my legs...#nohomo.
  11. Lawl butthurt leotard guy is butthurt.
  12. Huh? Which one? The Florida A55 ORGY, with the O being the orange in...fuck it I'll just link it... http://completeoutrage.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/a55-rgy.jpg Anyway, that's hard to beat.
  13. This just in, sharing leotards is no longer an act of faggotry. More news on your local fairyland channel at 11.
  14. Ah, yeah. Haha probably should have mentioned that. I do have a Thunderbolt. What's so great about CM7 though? I honestly don't know, all I've ever used is Sense, and pretty normal Sense at that, no themes or anything. So I'm used to their layout and widgets. I hear battery life is one of the big positives of CM7, as well as no bloat (something I don't really have to worry about with custom ROMs and Sense).
  15. Ok, so the ROM bug has officially bitten me. I've been on 3 different ROMs this week. BAMF Ginger Remix 2.1, then the new Gingeritis 3D, and BAMF Ginger Stripped 2.1. I'm back on Gingeritis 3D which is a Sense 3.0 ROM with a 3D simulated mod. Ginger Stripped is a vanilla Andriod "style" ROM, with some Sense bits left over. I'm so used to Sense that I quickly switched back to Gingertitis (plus the HTC trace keyboard is fun to play with haha). I've also downloaded CM7, but haven't tried it yet. Basically I want to know if there's anything I'm missing by using Sense. I've heard that CM7 is extremely customizable from the phone itself, maybe I misunderstood.
  16. Lol wut? My buddy lives right next door to him and he was telling me about this song earlier today. Random as fuck.
  17. I used to have K20 FTW and everyone I talked to thought it was fuck the world, but the BMV didn't seem to care.
  18. I know it wipes everything, but I alwqys wipe 3 times, that's where my worry is. And that's pretty annoying about stripped, have you looked at the new vanillabean ROM?
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