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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. she pays the cell phone bill because its in her name, so she goes through all the time, but there's nothing in there to hide so I don't care, and for sex its awesome she lets me do "ANYTHING" I want, so I'm trying to work in another female, so far I keep failing Take her to a strip club. If she gets a legitimately attractive chick to give her a lap dance, I'll be she'll be at least a little curious about it.
  2. Bigbird


    Holy Subaru influx lately. Nice looking collection you've got though, welcome!
  3. HAWT! And if you get her preggo, you won't have to worry about child support! :masturboy:
  4. Granted I'm not on a 4g card, just phone, but I rarely get more than 3 bars here at mi casa on Sancus about a mile from Polaris mall. The max I've gotten is 5.2 mbps down and 4.5 up. Still quicker than my home internet, but I wish it were what some people have seen.
  5. Scenesters with cars?? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KZ5qdgu3avM/Sewp0kmVc1I/AAAAAAAABNA/PiHdjmM47f0/s400/Scene+kids2.jpg
  6. Bigbird

    08 wrx

    Hey, Jeremy. I'm the guy over on 3gWRX that told you about this place. Great intro (aside from the missing pics, hopefully people understand), welcome to the shit show!
  7. Bigbird

    Flame war

    Lol what a bitch, way to back down, don't be a pussy, rabble rabble rabble. Just getting the inevitable response from the e-thugs out of the way. Very nice looking STI, can I has your rims? What kinda numbers did it make? Welcome to the shit show, brotato.
  8. Bigbird

    Flame war

    All this thread needs is Zeefag and the guy with the orange RSX that got all "come at me bruh!" Real talk though, OP you hopped right into the sharks mouths. All you had to do was roll with the punches and realize the internet isn't "cereals bidness." Log off, have your meet with people that want to be there, lurk here for a while, and come back without the chip on your shoulder.
  9. Lulz there's no porn on Netflix. Trust me if I was actually using that data for porn I'd have no qualms about admitting it. I've got home computers for that bruh. I couldn't believe it when I saw though. I watched about 9 episodes of Sons of Anarchy, and a couple documentaries on Netflix. Did some Android market downloading, normal web surfing, and I actually turn off 4G when I'm on my phone most of the time. That is unless I'm trying to watch Youtube or Netflix. I know for a fact there are people here on Columbus Racing that do FAR more than this. I was just surprised by how much it was given the fact I wasn't really doing anything I wasn't supposed to be (i.e. tethering and torrents).
  10. Holy crap...I got this phone on about the 11th. I just checked my data usage and I'm at 10.5Gb. The only tethering I did was just to see how well it worked. Most of everything else has been regular internet surfing and Netflix. That's insane to me. Im glad I've got unlimited data, but I don't want them to throttle my speed.
  11. No one is butthurt, we're just laughing at you because you started talking about crank walk, an issue the Evo 4g63's aren't known for.
  12. Why do you think no one goes to meets? :dumb:
  13. At least you weren't on yours man. I however was. Bike was totalled, back was jacked up, and the kid and his dad tried to lie to the cops. It was a all a crock, but luckily the kid confessed to my gf's dad and he said he would testify to the little bastard lying. Next time get a police report for good measure.
  14. Lol wtf is this shit? Boyfriend and girlfriend have to stick up for each other over automotive ice skating? Someone is butthurt.
  15. Will tell the GF, dunno if she's got/can get the money though. GLWS otherwise.
  16. I hear ls1tech.com is a pretty good source for the information that you are trying to find.
  17. I thought you had to pay for that one? And it says its 3G, is it also 4G?
  18. Full wipe and reflash fixed my little issue yesterday. Still pretty annoying, but at least I took care of it on my own lol. What are you guys using for tethering? I used to use PDAnet, but its out of its trial period and I can't see secure sites, plus it was a wired tether.
  19. Bigbird

    new dog

    Hmm, sweet. I might have to get my pup one of these. She absolutely INHALES her food, I swear she doesn't even chew. Just licks it up and swallows.
  20. Lovely, just had my phone freak out on me. Everything was fine, was listening to the radio with my phone. I went to unlock it and there was no unlock ring or icons. Couldn't do anything. Took the battery out, rebooted, same thing except I had a voicemail icon in the top corner. I'm trying to wipe everything and reflash now...this is quite the annoyance.
  21. I used the first setting with speedtweak. Haven't tried the battery saver yet. My battery life is better than stock, but sometimes it still seems to drain pretty quickly, but I don't have super slow charge any more. It also seems that if I wipe battery stats at full charge, I get better battery life for that day. Next time I upgrade I'll be sure to flash the ROM at full charge, because I didn't do that this time.
  22. The Imoysen GB lean kernel. I haven't checked the forums since last week haha they've got 2.1 out now? Jesus haha.
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