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Everything posted by granda080

  1. FYI, you're welcome
  2. Yes it is. It's actually Isuzu that designed the engine. It sorta reminds me of a can of bees. Not as bad as a 4 banger IMO. It does have plenty of kick behind it. 242 HP.
  3. Bump...figured I'd try it again in the summer. Thoughts?
  4. I have a riveter you can borrow if you don't want to buy one. Just shoot me a PM.
  5. I have these as well. They work really well. Easy on. Easy off. IMO they should just sell this in a large rectangular shape and let people cut them to fit.
  6. Praying for you and your family.
  7. I don't like getting the runs...especially while riding.
  8. Honda Pilot. It tows really well. Great if you have kids too. Ours averages 22ish for everyday use.
  9. I love a midnight ride. I don't do them often. That's mostly due to being exhausted.
  10. I bet you were the red SV I saw today at IP parked next to the demo day.
  11. granda080

    I'm Down

    ^^ lol. Glad you are alright. Bikes can be fixed.
  12. While this is a fact, I more so appreciate the constant flow of free hookers and blow that comes with the paint change.
  13. I agree with both of these statements.
  14. Welcome. I was one of the people you met. Glad you joined up.
  15. My iPhone had something similiar happen. Take to to an Apple store. They swapped it out for free. Mine broke due to overuse I would guess. Just sync the phone before you go to do it. iCloud takes forever to back up everything.
  16. That was a great ride tonight. Very nice ride...sans the sun in our eyes the entire time! I look forward to doing it again some time. Great meeting everyone!
  17. I have no problem with people using their "professional disgression" when it comes to the safety of others. For whatever reason the worker was uncomfortable. She got her manager, who agreed, and you complied with their wishes. I think it goes back to an inheritant distrust people have of one another these days. Rep to you for handing the situation in a mature manner.
  18. Thanks a ton for coming out. I'll get back with you on a day for our larger project.
  19. She will be a rider not a backpack lol
  20. ...as soon as she is old enough.
  21. Meow Meow Meow Meow. Meow Meow Meow Meow. Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow. Meow. Meow. Meeeeeeeoooooow.
  22. Aww glad I was thought of ...but as usual I'm as useless as my FZ6 lol
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