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Everything posted by granda080

  1. granda080

    Norwalk, OH

    Sweet. I'm taking my family up to see my folks in Norwalk this weekend. I'm gonna have to see if I can swing by and grab some grub.
  2. Wow...didn't know that they were made here. I have one and really like it. Had I have known, I would have made them install it and calibrate it LOL
  3. I think one thing for new riders to remember is that you can't not pay attention to what you are doing when riding. Driving a cage you can basically pay little to no attention to the act of driving. Riding you have to be vigilant at all times to everything. When I highsided a few years ago it was brought on by me not fully paying attention to riding. Stupidly, I was looking a the very nice country side...not the 10mph 90 right turn on the 55mph road. NOT METALLY IN IT...not a good idea.
  4. granda080

    stupid bugs

    That's actually pretty funny. I'm perpetually amazed at how people can ride with no helmet and take bugs to the face, especially the bumblebees. Hitting those is like having a golfball slam into your head. Can not imagine with no helmet.
  5. Ya know after painting it I thought of this and died a little bit on the inside...I am a huge Browns fan lol.
  6. Teachers, no. Administrators, yes. My wife is a teacher...she will probably stay home next year and raise our girls. Her pay sucks. Home daycare is much more profitable.
  7. Metaphorically speaking, I make love to inner city kids souls...and get paid like a mo fo to do it.
  8. Thanks guys! Should I put the Yama badge back on it? I can't decide. Maybe run Yama lettering on the belly pan? I dunno. I feel like it's still missing something. Just a banana bike with a banana seat.
  9. Basically...I'm an administrator at a school, before that I was a teacher. You have to be outgoing and energetic or the little bastards fall asleep. Damn inner city kids LOL Gotta love 'em
  10. I am pretty much always low key...except at work where they pay me to be super outgoing and have an opinion.
  11. Funny enough yeah...but not in the actual definition of the word grandpa. One of my buddies in high school used to call me "grandy" (Grand Andy) because I didn't drink in H.S. or do any "crazy shit"...I did crazy chicks instead . He called me that as a "wise" old man crack. I always thought it was funny and have used it ever since.
  12. I've recently purchased a cortech sport tail bag, which goes with my saddle bags. I've also bought some mirrors...they have integrated turn signals in them and surprisingly enough they are actually semi functional as mirrors. I also got a new helmet Scorpion Exo-1100...which initially I thought was trying to make me brain dead by pushing as many pressure points as possible on my head. It's breaking in...ever so slowly.
  13. I took advantage of my dad's painting skills a few weeks ago. No more We are now IMO the yellow is way better than the "Black Cherry" from last year. This poor bike isn't gonna know what color it's supposed to be. And to answer the question, no this paint job wasn't due to any dumpage or damage. Just had the offer given so I took him up on it.
  14. It says Some of the pictures you attempted to upload failed. The pictures that failed are: • 2012-03-30.jpg • 2012-03-30(2).jpg To receive a more detailed error message, upload only one picture at a time. or Upload of file failed. I've gotten a few other errors when using my Dell. Thanks for suggesting imgur. Seems easy to use. Rant over LOL
  15. I get a few different errors. When I get to my compy I'll copy and paste them...as well as try the link.
  16. why must you be so confounded difficult to do? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just use Picasa...except that doesn't work on my garage computer where I usually am when I have time (away from the kiddos and wife). It's an old iBook G4, which still runs remarkably well. I get a whole range of errors ranging from don't upload more than one picture to just straight up fail boat. I wish it said fail boat vs Picture upload fail. Actually, I wish it didn't say any of these things. Just upload my pictures. The crazy thing is the other forum (FZ6) that I'm on has the same issue. If any one wants to see my freshly painted bike, tough. The interwebz doesn't want anything to do with it I'm gonna go ride...until I have to pick up the girls.
  17. granda080

    Norwalk, OH

    I hope that it's good. I will be going up to Norwalk this next week at some point. My parents want to see their grandbabies. I'm hoping for a date night with the wife. Let me know if you do Berardi's and if it is still any good. I thought about taking her to Marconi's...I think I might be to much of a cheap ass for that though.
  18. granda080

    Norwalk, OH

    The Norwalk one is like a satellite location lol. Again the Huron one is better. It's only about ten minutes from Norwalk. Just google that bitch and get your burger. You can stop at the Pied Piper when your done.
  19. granda080

    Norwalk, OH

    There is also Berardi's in Norwalk, though the one in Huron is much better IMO. That Mexican restaraunt is really good...I think it's Casa Fiesta.
  20. Yeah he had a hard time getting off the bike. He also grabbed a lot of front brake. I hope he rides carefully. I'm in Huber if you ever are looking to ride.
  21. They just moved into that place winter of last year. I've never been in it but it looks like a nice place.
  22. granda080

    Norwalk, OH

    Berry's on Main St downtown Norwalk. I wouldn't classify it great, but it's the only one. My parents live in Norwalk. There isn't really much there.
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