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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Video worked fine...for me to poop on! Seriously though it worked fine.
  2. Yeah, wish we could have met up. Timing just didn't work out.
  3. It's a shame that no camera could capture the pure craziness seconds 21-25 were. The wind blew all sorts of crazy crap across the road. Also, I need one of these things. I could take the winter months to critique my riding. I need to shift more LOL
  4. I was thinking a boat or an RV. They are crazy moving before they get on that floor.
  5. It is a nice suit...thankfully he didn't post the goofier picture lol.
  6. Hi all, My neighbors kids broke their iPod touch screens. Anyone in the Dayton area want to fix them? They will pay for the parts and labor. They were hoping to have both fixed for $100.00. Any takers? They are both iPod touch 4th gen. with cameras. Thanks,
  7. IMHO the presidential election isn't the one we as a country should be focused upon. It is the house and senate and all the represenatives that really controls the direction our country goes. Voting for the president is just deciding upon which face you want to be upset with. Sure the prez wants new pop machines in the staff lounge and students to get an hour lunch and an extra study hall. Prez can't just do it, rather the house and senate must be convinced these are all good ideas. Cross the aisles and see how easy it is to convince the health nut that we need a machine full of high fructose corn syrup. Sure he may eventually agree, but only after prez agrees that it will be controlled to one soda a day and that healthily drinks must be included and that a percentage of the money must go to diabetes research. A mess.
  8. Can you move that FZ1 out of the way of the FZ6 that this dude needs?
  9. Yes Brandt...you have the chance now!
  10. I just ordered the replacement part. I'll hit you up when it comes in. Thanks so much!
  11. It's a power board. I know the part needed. It's more I'm not keen on literally removing every component of my computer. I watched a video on it...which clearly makes me an expert lol. If it's to much money to have someone else do it I will do it myself, but I'd rather not.
  12. Anyone in the Dayton area want to fix my computer or know of a place that won't dry anal rape me on price? The issue? The power jack on my POS Dell Inspiron 1545 is no longer working. It stopped charging long ago and my daughter just finished the job and bent the thing all crazy like. In any effect, it won't charge, nor will it power it on. Apparently this is a "common" issue for them, where the soldering points on the jack break contact. If you have the know how to fix this shoot me a price, or send me somewhere that I can trust. Cheers!
  13. This ^^. I love my FZ6. It's an upright seating position and an all around practical bike. The FZ1 is a great bike too. To me the 6 is more comfortable than the 1.
  14. Phone almost exclusively. Whatever happened to having an OR app?
  15. Bump... http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/3292664661.html
  16. Did you have the stock seat? If so I agree with you 100%. I put the Corbin on and never had comfort issues again. I dig your Victory. I've had the same thoughts as up, with not being Ricky rocket all the time. I'd love a cruiser, but besides no cash flow for another I still love my FZ6.
  17. Just an FYI on the stock seat heights and weights: -2009 Ninja 250 is 30.5 @ 374lbs -All FZ6R is 30.9 @ 470lbs -2013 Ninja 300 is 30.9 @ 379lbs
  18. Just offering a thought and a bump...maybe look at the FZ6R.
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