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Everything posted by granda080

  1. I took this pic at the last training I was at.
  2. Isn't that the truth. We draft a geriatric rookie and another running back with a bum knee before he even starts.
  3. Ugh their rapist of a qb's wife is preggo and he said he would miss a game if the kid was born on a Sunday. I guess it's safe for women to go back to the clubs/bars as this proves his balls are securely locked up at home. Lol
  4. I had no clue those were illegal...I guess I'm rolling double dirty I have front and rear integrated turn signals.
  5. As a Browns fan, when the Browns left it was horrible. It was like we, the fans, were the young children of two parents going through a bad divorce. You don't really know exactly what happened, or who to blame, but you generally pick one parent to be mad at. We should be mad at Cleveland, but it's easier to be mad at the one who left. I kind of feel bad for Modell as he never had a chance/way to repair that relationship. That said, fuck the Ravens...fuck the Steelers...and fuck the Bungles
  6. WTF is wrong with the projected point in this league? Darren Sproles is projected to get 1071.49 points LOL
  7. I got pulled over in my youth driving through a small town. The officer was on my left, parked. I had a 2-door civic and had my drivers window down. I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal. He pulled me over and told me he did so because my window tint was illegal. Turns out he was wrong. It was factory tint and well within the legal limit. My question is, why is a window tint violation a reason to pull over a vehicle? To me it seems like this should be a secondary offense. In my situation the officer's judgement was incorrect (and I stopped almost in front of him at a light in a 25mph zone so he had plenty of time to "see" my tint...even though the driver window on his side was down lol) and just a waste of time.
  8. Here is my fs thread on OR http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=85346
  9. Your list is rather specific, yet lacking a ballpark number of what you are willing to spend. I have a truck for sale, but it doesn't meet what you are looking for.
  10. He was way cooler when he owned a fizz. Just saying
  11. We all should be desensitized to this. I expect shitastic driving from others, both on the bike and in the truck. It doesn't even get a response from me. I use that energy, of being pissed, and put it into thanking God they didn't kill or maim me.
  12. I've seen this in driving by...but I'm in the same boat as Nick.
  13. Congrats on the wife and beautiful little family!
  14. Just don't go down and you'll be fine...you can take that in whatever context you like.
  15. Interested. I will need to continue to look at the calendar as it get closer.
  16. Welcome from the Heights...huber trash heights that is.
  17. I watched the girls today while the wife shopped. I've only ridden twice in the last two months. Kids dominate my life lol.
  18. Post that route...and I thought you quit riding here...?
  19. I didn't know "rare" was a synonym of "stupid as shit".
  20. granda080


    They suck too lol. Seriously, I think it's probably that we are just a school in the ghetto.
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