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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Welcome back. Good luck with this thread not turning into another criticizing crap fest. The last few weeks, though highly amusing, makes me think it's the middle of winter.
  2. Remember we got detoured all over because there was some cycling race. We stopped at that high school and after that dude plowed through everyone at the stop. That could have been WAY worse.
  3. I was at this ride. Isn't this the one that had all the cyclist and the one threw the water bottle at the Duc D?
  4. Got it. I took HPRs in college but never had any H.S. kids in them. They didn't really count as credits, more like fillers to stay full time. Ahh...I miss college.
  5. Wait...wtf high school did you go to that you had a golf class? I think I got jipped.
  6. Yeah I wasn't sure about that either. I have a DLP. What he described was my issue. That said laziness and general not caring has, and will, prevent me from researching it. Lol
  7. That's exactly what mine was doing. The screen would be black and when it was turning off it whistled.
  8. I had to change the color wheel on my tv. It took me about 15 min. The part was cheap off eBay. Just a thought...
  9. I just found my Basic Rider Course Handbook. Let me know if you want it. It has a lot of good beginner information until you actually get to take the course. Let me know if you want it.
  10. I don't really even like guns all that much (see rep ala "liberal dbag") And I own two. I bought them to protect my family. Sure they are sort of fun to shoot but ultimately the wife and I have them to protect, and to ward off boys from our daughters in about a dozen years.
  11. Yamaha logo and script...we need to meet up so we can talk about this LOL
  12. It's raining like a mo fo here
  13. Its the old bike with new paint. I love it! We need to get together and go for a ride. I'd like to venture down your way to ride some of your roads.

  14. I'm a big guy on a 600 as well and I have conti's on mine. I dont have any wear issues and run my tires at 42 and 36 psi. I also made sure the load was adjusted on the suspension for my weight.
  15. ^^This... I got the scorpion exo1100 from riders discount. It is supposed to be for a more upright seating. I've had it a few weeks now. It's a nice helmet, better wind resistance than my Bell Vortex. It has been a relatively tough break in though. Overall I like it...just needs broken in more.
  16. I lIke it. I'm gonna stop on my way through Columbus and get one. Where are they located in the store? I won't have time to "shop" lol
  17. granda080


    It's in the front wheel not the engine. It's a clear squeaking sound like a bad grocery cart.
  18. In my vw you had to sit inside the car and hold one of the buttons...but thats the vw not a volvo
  19. My wife has a Z1R helmet and likes it. What helmet were you borrowing, just to know what you are comparing it to.
  20. Guess I need to say something as I'm the only one who voted for 1. Only thing is I have no real reason. I just liked it more. It's your bedroom. I guess it would depend on what the rest of your room looked like and that is way outside of my realm of care.
  21. Hope you've gotten out and taken a few rides this year! If you want to ride some time let me know.

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