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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Glad to hear you are ok. Hope you aren't hurting too bad tomorrow. I'm not a fan of 555. The one time I rode it there was loose stuff everywhere. I was, however, impressed at the 89 t-top camero that flew by us drinking a beer. Clearly a local.
  2. I'm down for that. I will be making this a one day trip, there and back.
  3. I'll ride over with you. I can meet wherever, just let me know.
  4. I bought my bike there in 08 and got a very fair deal. I agree with all the other posts. Their prices are higher than IP. I prefer IP for selection sake, but to just check something out locally they have way more than most.
  5. Can someone post the actual address of the meetup location? I'm going to be leaving Saturday morning from Dayton and have zero clue where I'm going.
  6. Apparently the most bad ass one ever, vista cruiser
  7. Well I screwed up and ordered the wrong one. Who wants this one? I would gladly accept a handshake and a beer for it. I will be at the Epic ride if someone outside of the Dayton area wants it? Here are the details. I'd rather not ship it due strictly to laziness.
  8. My .02 if you are considering changing bikes because you believe your girl will ride more don't. My FZ6 is a comfortable 2up bike but that doesn't make my wife any more or less interested in riding. Just a thought, if you want a new bike go for it, but don't change for someone who may not be interested in riding especially if you like you current bike.
  9. "The world needs ditch diggers too Danny." Says the public school teacher. It's just part of social hierarchy. Sucks but it's reality.
  10. Count me in. Based on the description, I'll be starting in the medium trying to keep up with Snot.
  11. This is awesome. Keep up the great job parenting and encouraging their interest in our countries history. I love DC. I fell in love with my wife there and asked her to marry me there. Have fun and travel safe!
  12. I've read both and have the video. Most public libraries have them. I found the second book to be a better read.
  13. This is the product and place we ordered from: http://www.utvpartsandaccessories.com/UTV_spray_in_bed_liner.htm
  14. Rhinos take massive shits on the bed of your truck and then let it bake in the sun...I can only see this process as improving the value.
  15. Try Al's Liner. My dad has done a truck bed with it and it turned out well, but he is also a highly skilled painter. It seemed to hold up very well, going on two years now.
  16. So have you gotten any Strangers on a Train PMs yet? Lol
  17. Looked like LEO was attempting to stop. That said IMO is that it was excessive and likely the outcome was not his intent. I wonder what the level of crime riding an illegal dirt bike though city is. I'll guess it isn't worth someone's life. Either way, I'd file this under you run the risk...decided to ride illegally, decided to run from the police. Sucks for the families and for the officer that ended up taking someone's life.
  18. Dayton really isn't what I would call a booming metropolis. I would make sure that wherever your business is located is trafficked. The other thing to remember, if you are looking towards UD student as potential clients are the stupid "flyer cards" or whatever their meal cards are and remember they vacate campus several times a year. Let us know where you are looking.
  19. I don't think there is anything wrong with that fear. I high sided a few years ago and was lucky to come away without any major issues. That said, every time I throw a leg over the bike I pray that I am kept safe. I think of my wife and my 2 little girls and pray that I am safe. It's the reason I ride within my limits and don't push to hard. I've always thought that when it is your time, it is your time. I just pray it's not now or any time soon. I try to make safe choices all the time. Not just on the bike.
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