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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Looks like its shine today. Heading out now.
  2. I've seen a module you can add to your brake light wiring that does that for a stock bulb. It's on ebay for about $15. Just look for motorcycle parts and it'll pop up there somewhere. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/REARALERT-BRAKE-LIGHT-FLASHER-STOP-LAMP-MODULATOR_W0QQitemZ290323140568QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item43989b8fd8&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A12|39%3A1|72%3A1171|240%3A1309
  3. +1 for somebody watching over you. Heal fast!
  4. djisle and I were the only ones to show up at either bike night that I saw. We met at the Black Hat and then went to the other one. "The Worst Bar" Is now named "Streets Bar" under new ownership and the new owner is a biker, cool! I had a nice chat with him. Seems like a good guy. Still have a LUAU Pig roast happening at the Black Hat Saturday! Live band, free food! Can't beat that with a stick! Rain sux!!
  5. djisle and I were the only ones to show up at either bike night that I saw. We met at the Black Hat and then went to the other one. "The Worst Bar" Is now named "Streets Bar" under new ownership and the new owner is a biker, cool! I had a nice chat with him. Seems like a good guy. Still have a LUAU Pig roast happening at the Black Hat Saturday! Live band, free food! Can't beat that with a stick!
  6. Moose posted his first. This one is on my side of town thats all. Rain still sux
  7. Sold to the nice guy on the old bike. Fits pretty good too!
  8. You would have to ask the bartender about that one...
  9. "The Other Bike Night On Tuesdays" Where: The Black Hat 2643 Federated Blvd Columbus, OH 43235 North west c-bus near Dublin When: Starts around 6pm till??? Why: I'm one of the few jap bikes that shows up. Need some sport bikes to spice up the parking lot. Harleys cruisers are nice but.... Nice place, nice people, good food, pool, darts. Whats not to like! Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2643+federated+blvd+43235&sll=37.509726,-95.712891&sspn=34.406531,69.169922&ie=UTF8&ll=40.10194,-83.083827&spn=0.008157,0.016887&z=16&iwloc=r0 Pics: From 270 and Sawmill (exit 20 on 270) go south. Just a couple of blocks then left onto Federated Blvd Right turn into the lot and then a quick left to get to the bar Specials: Beer... Nice patio They are having a free pig roast on Saturday! Yum!!
  10. Left you a message and a call back number
  11. Hmm, I'm 5'8" at about 200. Maybe it isn't too big. Still have it?
  12. Seems like their advertising is better than their customer service. I didn't get a very positive vibe from them either, I felt hustled, rushed, pushed to buy something I didn't need or want. Definitely felt the "We know better than you" attitude. I don't see what they have that is worth much in their store. The condition of the parts isn't so good. Auto junkyards do a better job of inventory and the like. Course it is a niche market, to be fair. Older parts are easier to find on ebay, better condition and cheaper too. Halogen headlight conversion kit RP used, $99, ebay new $24 incl S/H. The only thing I can see that they do know is know what will fit what. I'm not really sure what that is worth... I think you all have answered the question of if I should deal with these guys. For every customer that complains 10 don't, they just never go back.
  13. Ow, now I'm hungry. Sammich, yum!
  14. Like a deer in the headlights, they stop and look at the bike they pulled out in front of. I never did get that part, why do they stop and block the entire lane instead of keep moving so hopefully they aren't there by the time you get there.
  15. Nice putting faces to names! Now that I know where it is I just might have to stop by again. Unless the old lady from the Marathon station sends me straight to Hell for asking directions to "Hooters"
  16. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090612/D98OQ0CG0.html ========== "This is a bill that will protect children and will protect America," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a leading supporter. "Every day that we don't act, 3,500 American kids - children - will light up for the first time. That is enough to fill 70 school buses." The Congressional Budget Office estimated that FDA regulation could reduce underage smoking by 11 percent over the next decade. The bill, said American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown, "provides a tremendous opportunity to finally hold tobacco companies accountable and restrict efforts to addict more children and adults." Costs of the new program would be paid for through a fee imposed on tobacco companies. =========== This is not a shakedown, it's an offer you can't refuse, see it's a law, you don't want to argue about a law, do you? And who will pay for those "fees forced on tobacco companies"? Of course no citation for the statistics either from Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a leading supporter. Just remember it's not about the money, no really, not about the money...
  17. Um the timing of my reply to missing bike night is not to be confused with missing this. I would like to miss this!
  18. Anybody have any luck with these guys? They claim to be all about old jap bikes only. Anybody dealt with them before? How are their prices?
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