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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. They were touring Europe.
  2. Yea, there is always some bad stuff out there. What I always wondered about was the stuff that you couldn't tell what it was. Codes, cyphers and other things posted for reasons that just weren't obvious. I followed one set of posts for a couple of weeks till I figured out they were smugglers. Posts like: 237 1000 g6 2kg +3 The clue was at the end of every post they added a line such as" +3" Which meant jump up 3 newsgroups to reply to the post. Then it started to make sense 237 was the flight number, and 1000 was 10Am, g6 was the gate number, 2kg weight etc. Once you strung a few of the posts together it was pretty clear what was going on. Did you ever hear one of those number channels on shortwave? Where they read a series of numbers all day long? Weird stuff.
  3. I live near you and I have drivers for just about anything. Plus I can fix the TCP/IP stack if the virus hit that too. Send me a PM or see my website http://columbuspcmedics.com/ Give my cell a call.
  4. So cold out there I don't want to go out, let alone ride anywhere.

    Way to much ice! :(

  5. There are no hills in C-bus. Only gentle grades. Imagine this with ice halfway down...
  6. Not true, her opinion is his opinion! His balls are in her purse for safekeeping.
  7. While it's booting up hit F8. This will take you into "Safe Mode". From there you should be able to at least get into the machine. After that it depends on what it does as to what you should do next. Perhaps doing a "System Restore" from past restore point would be the fastest way to solve your trouble. Start>All Programs>Accesories>System Tools> System Restore. Follow the prompts to bring it back.
  8. I fear snow. Last time I rode in the snow I spent more time picking up the bike than riding it. O'course that was years ago and I was immortal too! (Didn't have a car either)
  9. Dave never fails to please. Of course it is satire, right? http://www.miamiherald.com/living/columnists/dave-barry/v-print/story/1397654.html I posted the link cause these guys like to sue.
  10. Dublin 18, but you did have to wear glasses, just not the cheap red and blue cardboard ones. The look more like real glasses and are polarized lenses so they look clear or as somebody said "Buddy Holly" style.
  11. I might be able to take a couple of those monitors and perhaps a projector or two. Just to help you clean up the room, don't chaya know. Just trying to help you out with this problem.
  12. Um.... http://piratebay.org What version exactly did you want?
  13. Pancakes... nom, nom, nom....
  14. Terabyte drive 3 ghz CPU and a card reader. Um, you might be a geek if... = bits and bytes
  15. Bittorrent? Russian sub-titles but good for the small screen. 3D not available on the DVD, go to the theater!
  16. Even so, it was in there. But the 3D thing is all good!
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