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Everything posted by RFM

  1. Happy Birthday! NSFW!!! Language. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNaYSoeKqd4
  2. RFM

    Hate to do this!

    Lesbian radar has activated.
  3. He's taking the cowards way out. A real man would have shorts, flip flops, and a beater on. Maybe even a cigarette off to the side...
  4. The I'll make it if I can get my bike sorted by then bump. Though I didn't know Kenny, anybody who has the road in their blood is family...
  5. Is there a Transgendered track day discount? That segment of the population is highly underrepresented too. I'd wear a dress if I'd get discounted track time...
  6. I made it out there, and on the way back had the bike break down. Special thanks to Yota, Ben, and especially Nick for hooking a brother up. Too cool, guys. Really. OR FTW.
  7. RFM

    Senate Bill 5

    This sunday don't forget to set your clocks back 50 years...
  8. RFM


    From the album: Interwebz Stuff

  9. Beat... By last years Ducati in with a Privateer team, if we go by Phillips Island or anything. Oh, and add an Aprilia, a Yamaha, and a Bmw too. I think even the single Suzuki chuffed in before the new ZX10...
  10. 10 bucks says the guy who pulled the knife has a small Willy. Just sayin'...
  11. I'm going to strictly adhere to what the Doctors are suggesting here. It's for my own good... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW2e27EB0A0&feature=player_embedded
  12. The band is Acoustic Mayhem. Brian Y. is my ex wife's brother. I'm still fine with all of my ex's family and ex too.
  13. I just found out it was my ex-brother in laws band there last night. Brian was part of it all even. Wow...
  14. I learned to ride on a Harley, literally riding it off Farrow's parking lot. It was heavy, slow, and on the more fun rides the floorboards will lift the backend off the ground. I went the other way, and got a smaller, more powerful, and cheaper used bike at that. I have never wistfully looked back and thought "Gee, I miss riding the pig. I just want less of a bike now..."
  15. RFM

    I'm a dad!

    Congratulations! 18 years until freedom. Good luck!
  16. RFM

    Senate Bill 5

    We don't need any stinking public service. You and your type are draining all of society! I can protect all that I own with my .587 Turdburglar 2000 Semi-Automatic, which is bigger than yours. I'm keeping what's mine. Screw you all.
  17. I say we legislate that the Bogey Man can't have teeth. Then I won't have to look under my bed or in the closet before I go to bed, or even sleep with my gun for that matter.
  18. RFM


  19. RFM

    Show me the penis!

    You can be honest... This wasn't the first time that you were praying for penis.
  20. RFM


    Well Helloooo...
  21. I personally like Envy. As in the license plate *PT 4U2NV* I wanted to punch somebody that I didn't know, and I'm practically a hippy.
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