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Everything posted by RFM

  1. RFM


    Add all you want. It saved me getting worked up and fine tuning what I laid out in broad strokes. There is a hippie in you afterall, Ben...
  2. RFM


    It is part of the Militaries funding. It's called the Commmanders Emergency Relief Program, used to pump money, and hence stabilize an area. There is little oversight on the 50 billion+ program. 33 million went to build a hotel by Baghdad's airport. Little chance it will be used though. Over $14,000 went towards I love Iraq t-shirts. 135 million just disappeared, with no way to account for it... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/08/10/ST2008081002653.html
  3. I think we decided that the proper response is the minivan.
  4. RFM


    I'm going to piss a lot of people off here, but who cares. My freedom is not being protected by setting up a haphazard infrastructure in a land where the camel reigns supreme. This did not win me the right to think, write, or say anything. I understand the sacrifice, and respect each soldier... But it's time we stop trying the blanket statement that this is the reason there is freedom. We don't have the money to make Mosul up in our own image, and freedom is not created by building a waterpark in Baghdad (US taxpayer funded, mind you...). The bravery of our soldiers is being sold out, and we're given the bill for a parochial mission. I support our soldiers, and by saying that I mean I want them all home with those that they love. Cut military spending by refining the usage of our troops. Have them ready to do what is really in our interest, which might mean showing some Mexican crimelords the business. Protect US interests....
  5. Is that an EX500 that's filming?
  7. RFM

    Found my new car

    Remeber to get the rearward facing baby seats.
  8. $15.00 in gas lasted me two weeks. Granted, I also got hit by a car while riding the bicycle too.
  9. RFM

    Ammo prices going up

    Get your ammos asap before the vacation. Not zombies, but... http://www.gadling.com/2011/04/01/dubai-tour-company-offers-pirate-hunting-cruises-off-horn-of-afr/
  10. He's got the only sportbike with a V-twin in it, and it's for sale!!
  11. More... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1373230/Cyber-sex-pervert-24-walks-free-judge-rules-seduced-girl-13.html
  12. Irish Sit-Com. Language includes a lot of Feckin'- so an almost NWS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0LvKg5aCG0&feature=player_embedded
  13. Sad at such a young age. Thoughts are with you all...
  14. That's the only reason that your wife will have anything to do with you...
  15. I like smaller groups of 3-5 people, and in general people that I know well enough. I've taken many newbies out over the years, and enjoy showing what sort of playgrounds we do have around this area. A couple people here that I've taken out and ridden with know the pace that I like, and that's how I'll leave it...
  16. RFM

    Bmw s1000rr

    BMW vs. the Exotics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4SFCokwH2M&feature=feedu
  17. I have 210hp of pure Saab badness. What gas stop do I go and pose at now?
  18. RFM

    Senate Bill 5

    Drew95GT- How did the so-called Obamacare affect you personally? Not trying to be arguementative, but looking for your insight. How did a bill that comes into affect in 2014 (maybe) cause a current reduction in salary?
  19. I had a woman furious with me because her picture was sideways on the computer screen. She didn't want to have to look at it sideways when it printed. I said, "Follow this, I'll do it slow." I tilted a picture 90 degrees in my hands. How do some people barely have enough sense to draw their next breath?
  20. RFM

    MOTO GP is back!

    Is this for real? Or am I just being pulled into an April Fools joke? http://www.motomatters.com/news/2011/04/01/f1_and_motogp_to_merge.html
  21. Thoughts out with you and yours. Good luck!
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