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Everything posted by socaln8tv

  1. thank you for sharing this story. im glad i read it this morning.
  2. socaln8tv


    seriously couldve done with out seeing this one....
  3. just bc you go to college and lack a stellar gpa bc u partied for four years doesnt mean one can't excell at an entry level position which is what most recent grads experience at an undergrad level. college is about a life experience, making friends and connections, both academically and socially. there are plenty of suma cum laude who can't function socially nor land a position and spend years as a career student. And just bc you do finish college doesnt mean you'll clear 6 or 7 figs either. likewise, young people might overlook the cost and think harder about choosing a college rather than expect a college with a weak alumnus to go to bat for you on the job front. i think her suit is foundless but colleges should not go around boasting about their alumnus and job placement opportunities either -- and not be able to produce enough employees to facilitate the student applicants. sounds like they didnt do shit. it also sounds like she's dumbfounded over not finding a job in this market... hello ??? where have you been since may of last year when over night the economy took a dump. ok -- maybe she's been partying the whole time after all. hey, we all know the former pres was a solid C and look where it landed him..... my point is -- he was connected.
  4. thats a fine photo you posted! thank you for sharing and welcome to theboard
  5. ive been riding a superhawk and a yamaha virago cruiser since may (i enjoy both styles). heavy bike thou. likely a bit much for my height or weight so not fair assessment from newbie and short gal. but, i luuuv it. its got loads of torque, fun on the windy roads. its red and its my lust and nemesis all at the same time. this is the bike that makes me want to do better and also makes me realize if i want to refine riding sport, ill need something like a ninja if i want both feet on the ground soundly. superhawks just arent made for lowering.
  6. hi there. also from marysville. i ride a couple dif. bikes-- yam virago 250 and dh's honda vtr 1000. been riding dirt all my life but im all in all a newbie at street and taking my endoresment on the 21,22,23rd this month. welcome to the board.
  7. socaln8tv


    here's one -- spread eagle -- albeit not as good as some... and some of them i don't understand at all.
  8. welcome! i love the Boulevard. very nice.
  9. i couldnt agree more. this of course applies to any organzations' agenda, a trade union, lobby, organized religion. they all had a good purpose initially/on some issues --but in the end, they show up to serve themselves.
  10. i used to be/am registered rep., more-so right fiscally and moderately socially progessive, but as of late the two party system has me running for the hills and both are like identical cousins. not going off on a rant, but im completely & inherantly against electronic medical record keep on any level. its the ins co's, our employers and the government all in bed together -- that bothers me the most.
  11. hey there! i remember the castle being very close to the junction of the 245 and 287, and likewise very near the ohio cavern underground caves. that place is cool too, but its no carlsbad. im discovering alot of pretty interesting landmarks on my bikes. what i dont get is enjoyment of riding straight f o r e v e r. like on the interstates. that would annoy me after a 1/2 hour. now see why people pull their bikes to longer distance venues.
  12. my kids n i r enjoying the scene in your signature with the boy on the couch and the dobby. pretty good!

  13. it is wierd, huh? who would have known. i know its not the only one either. the last really stunning castle ive seen was in las vegas, NM. it was originally built for someone in the arm&hammer family and now it is an international college. its still gorgeous to sit under ....there are natural hot springs in the canyon below, surrounded by pinons that the locals have built up with granite so you dont have to sit in mud... stunning at night under the stars.
  14. i hope you get that raise your asking for. good luck!
  15. i know the feeling.. but definetly not anything near that speed. i have constant issues with riding and contacts.
  16. nuthing is worse than the feeling of being violated. i grew up in a neighborhood where we didnt have to lock doors or worry about theft. in fact we never locked our doors. the biggest annoyance were teenagers if you got tp'd. the house is mine now, and before we moved to Ohio, we had our garage lifted twice for theft... although i don't remember how bc the door opener should have secured it. its likely someone who knew us -- knew that we generally left the gate unlocked on the side of our house, which new they had easy access to garagedoor button inside the garage. i agree, its likely your neighbor or someone he knows. my dad was always like -- if crooks want in, they'll find a way. why have them break something trying! and nowadays, i better have "good" reason to and file a claim again insurance.
  17. yes, i suppose... if i stand up!!! he he as a rule, i personally don't find crack that attractive. but thanks for giving me kudos as opposed to my kids, who'll give me crap about it into the next week
  18. welcome roh! wish i had one of those! welcome to the group!
  19. today i got my feet wet for the first time since i got back from vacation last week. the last time i rode was fathers day weekend on the honda vtr1000 down in hocking hills with a good deal of confidence on those roads. it was also the first time on those roads with the super hawk and i had sooo much fun! move forward six weeks later to today and i totally blew. gave it a go for a few minutes bu reverted back to the comfort of my yamaha. it was just too much bike for me having been away for so long without cont. practice. Ended up have a superior day riding over 245/287. the only down was on a popular twisty part of the road, it seemed like there was a "suspicious" amount of gravel layed by haters from my newbie perspective. it was actually more like a scary amount. found a charming castle along the road over near Middleburg. anyone know what this place is or what its called? wanted to stop and take a pic but i'll hit it again another day. normally my hands go numb after 30 mins but didnt have to deal with that nonsense today. and just for shits and giggles.. i found a pair jeans that actually covered my ass for once .... no ass crack today!! yeah!! lol
  20. i can tell in your post your are beside your self excited. good for you!! the idea of riding on the track for a newbie like me is intimidating, but logically speaking, the more advice i get, the more i realize its safer and in the end maybe not as expensive as i thought if you are in it for the long haul after initial investment in gear. have a blast!
  21. socaln8tv

    Smoke break

    super moto convert potential... pressure!!!!
  22. u both look very happy and dressed to the 9's!
  23. socaln8tv

    02 Yamaha Virago

    thank you! how sweet to say. compliments will get a girl by all week.
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