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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

    Let me start by saying that I never got around to playin' MW2, and don't know what was added in that one, but I love the added features this one has over the first one. Like choosing your killstreaks. SAM turrets, C4 wired RC cars, and unleashing a pack of deadly hounds on your ass is sweet as hell. Adding in different types of weapons like the tomahawk, ballistic knife, and crossbow were interesting, not that I use them much. The contracts are new to me, but I usually forget what I'm suppose to do to complete them once the round starts. I think it pretty cool that they let us make our own emblems to place on the guns. I noticed that they got rid of the perk that allowed you to drop a grenade once you died. I thought that was a good choice since it wasn't realistic to pull the grenade pin after death, and so many people were getting kills that they didn't really work for. It's true that there are a lot of campers in this one, but you can't camp for too long seeing as how you can be flanked anywhere on the level. Plus, once you die you can see where they were when they killed you and go there to take them out once you respawn.
  2. Yeah, I thought so too, but they say otherwise. I see no reason to be doin' 150mph with that contraption. (Even without it doin' 150mph is stupid and dangerous and I for one don't support it )
  3. I rarely use my windshield wipers once I started using Rain-x. Maybe that could work in this situation?
  4. http://rocketshields.com/ http://green.autoblog.com/2008/06/10/add-a-roof-to-your-sportbike-with-rocketshields/
  5. The temperature isn't the issue...safety is.
  6. mhallam85 turned me on to this show. I'd have to say it's currently my favorite. I can't get enough of the shenanigans and off the wall dark humor. I like how all of the characters have a lot of fucked up issues going on.
  7. What some of you are failing to realize is the location. Crime happens in that area quite often, and seeing "mama-drama" is the norm. Most people aren't going to step in to stop the arguements between the parents. I'm sure everybody's heard of the phrase, snitches get stitches, right? Well, eitherway, once the situation escalated to throwing the baby I'm sure someone called the police. It sounds like everything happened rather quickly and no one had any time to act, but I'm sure if the homies knew about this, and the police weren't around shortly after then he'd already be dead. Remember...there's honor amongst thieves.
  8. Cypress

    Nerds in love

    Um, Ben...it seems you've been called out on this one, bub.
  9. There has been some good info put out on this situation on OR just within this past week. Go to the links, watch a few videos, learn before you post. You don't see these scanners in our subway/train systems, sports stadiums, or any other place packed full of people, but yet terrorism has struck everywhere around the world countless times before 9/11 ever happened. Why do people think these types of scanners or pat-downs will really help? Suicide bombers can easily have a bomb surgically planted inside themselves or stuck up their asses. If terrorist really want to blow some shit up, they will. These scanners are a joke to them I'm sure. Also, what about the children? Should we be putting them through the scanner to have some potential pedophile oogling their bodies? Do we send them over to the pat down area to have them pat down/groped like all of the adults? This whole thing is very unpleasent to most adults. So how do you think a child is gonna take to it? Phycological damage? Dunno, but why risk it?
  10. Great find, Casper. I just hope every other state follows suit.
  11. Cypress

    Nerds in love

    It seems you knows a thing or two in this subject.
  12. Yeah, more pictures. It's hard to judge from only one pic. Though the latex nurse outfit is rather sexy.
  13. Tbutera makes a good point...but I don't think anyone here knows off the top of their head what NY's gun laws are. I'm not going to do the research, someone else can. It might be different there than here in Ohio. You might want to find that out first before passing judgement on the cop.
  14. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

    Playin' Black Ops now. I'll probably be gettin' a lot less sleep from now on. Xbox Live account: Cypress000
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