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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. yeah I don't get it... less billions of years away than thought? Whats the margin of error on those calculations? And since the universe is infinitely big, can we really calculate all the energy consumption, available energy etc? And black holes give off heat from the friction of the molecules being consumed... so although its not the same physics as earth, that energy still isn't destroyed, only transferred.
  2. I had a red rhino liner in my truck and it had a good feel to it. If I transported stuff it didn't scuff it up it was more of a rubberized texture than sandpaper. Also, it was red to match the exterior of my truck so you couldn't tell I had a bed liner unless you got up close (not sure if color matters to you?)
  3. you should have a poll asking if you know someone who has HIV, now that'd be more interesting!
  4. this just in... you should totally go dumpster diving in McDonalds parking lot. I'm sure you'd find some nasty stuff you wouldn't want to (so wear gloves) but I bet like 9/10 people throw them game pieces away just like I did. You could probably collect every common piece that way and just need that "1" piece to win the prize.
  5. maybe harley was losing money because... harleys suck. They should've cut half their HD lineup instead of getting rid of buell. How many trikes do they plan to sell in 2010? Or 27k dollar custom springer softails? You can find similar styled "clone" bikes with better quality at half the cost. They need to either increase their innovation (since most of them are still oil cooled I doubt thats going to happen) to justify their prices or drop their price to regain market share. I don't know the exact numbers, but I get the feeling their "brand" isn't exactly getting good penetration with first time buyers because of so many other better/cheaper options are out there now and most of their sales come from existing customers buying newer Harleys. If GM can go bankrupt, I'm pretty sure harley can too, its just whether or not Obama wants to buy them out. They almost went belly up in 1985, so I think its just as possible today as it was then.
  6. by the time you win you're gonna need a million to pay for the treatment of arteriosclerosis. jk i had mcd's for lunch today and tossed the pieces, wish i'd seen this thread would have given you the codes
  7. the "rebel indian yell" sounds disturbingly similar to the "xena warrior princess" call...
  8. well he was in 5th gear
  9. oh i got it backwards. well now he won't owe his bookie $40 bucks anymore. its a win win
  10. this just in... you're all gay for listening to techno
  11. i think they were inacting sharia law. It was either be burned alive or chop off his hands... he'd rather have skin grafts than claws. Anyways, I bet its the last time he steals a bicycle. And the guys that owed him the money will now have to pay more than $40 bucks in restitution... its a win win
  12. do you have a motorola T720 with detachable camera? war geeky cell phone references from 2001
  13. actually :lol: and not just "typing" it as a courtesy laugh

  14. its the thought that counts
  15. I had a buddy take a bulimic girl on a double date once. She went to the bathroom and was throwing up and was gone for a long time. He asked her friend what she was doing in there and she told him "throwing up" so when she came back he said "Did I just pay 20 bucks for you to throw up!?" It was their first and last date. True Story
  16. AIDS is Gods way of getting rid of all the homosexuals jk!!
  17. I hope the University of North Carolina changes their mascot... Im deeply offended, a "tarheel" is so insensitive to the "green movement" North Carolina bioscrubbers is way more PC
  18. for what its worth... i'm pretty sure we're all gonna die from something like a nuclear holocaust not global warming...
  19. glad you finally posted pics up! I'll keep an eye out for it when I'm driving in kettering as I'm pretty sure you're the only person within a 2000 mile radius with this conversion... haha looks good! I like it much better than the pontiac front end
  20. i didn't know a zzr600 could do 180... I guess he thinks if the gauge says 180 it must go that high?
  21. you should've went with the antibiotics that are used in cattle feed and how the run off goes into estuaries, rivers, streams, etc... and causes esterification of many species. Just means there's a lot more lady fish for the guy fish to skeet skeet on!
  22. all that innovation and they give you an ugly ass paint scheme
  23. that is always a classic
  24. Good thing "gangstas" don't know how to shoot let alone hold a gun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tkEFCAPgCA
  25. this just in... Plants use Co2... crazy!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxCQHn-w0Bw
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