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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I took the BRC last year, I was going to take it again this year with the wife but she doesn't want to do it because she's still afraid of dropping the bike.... I was debating the ERC but I don't want to risk putting Scarlet around so many newbs
  2. I usually load up this site, has them all http://www.dodtracker.com/ Or specifically http://www.dodtracker.com/oneaday/
  3. I'd just hate if it ended up like the MCN ones... it would be kind of cool if you could setup your own RSS feeds, then if something catches your eye hit "Share" and it creates a topic (then if others hit share it takes them to it).... But that's getting a bit much, and duplication of Google Reader.
  4. We should just have the Woot RSS feed fill the links forum!
  5. Oh man, thank the good lord Scott Brown was elected. Lord in your infinite wisdom you have rained down mana from the heavens by having people come to their senses and vote for Scott Brown. Lord you are truly the source of all that is good in this country! We, the true americans, are living through Job's struggle and we see that your allowing Barack HUSSEIN Obama to be elected is a trial we must endure so that our faith is even stronger! OH THANK THE LORD!!! </sarcasm>
  6. A friend on facebook just posted thanking the lord and how is so giving... holy shiy I can't believe how dumb people are... Yes, G-d's choice to stop providing healthcare is to have the citizens of MA elect a former nude centerfold... maybe G-d wanted healthcare and Brown is the anti-christ. lol seriously people, get a grip on your shit.
  7. * Oh the possibilities He sure makes you look even more like a noob amateur
  8. too lazy, what's 1/4 time?
  9. how about "I'm tired of the mother fuckin' snakes on this mother fuckin' plane"
  10. just when I think you all couldn't be any dumber you prove me wrong again!
  11. I'll buy a Trijicon if I can pick the passage... Psalm 23 please Although not technically a passage is it?
  12. Flounder, the hotlink works for you because you visited the site... As for the inscriptions, MUCH less annoying than a lot of other religious propoganda, I'm sure most people would have never noticed. That being said I always wonder why bible thumpers never quote the OLD testament... you know, the complete building blocks of Christianity? Maybe that upsets zombie Jesus
  13. I have a different name (Josh M)... maybe he shares the email address Have you been to this event before? Are there spots I can get an unobstructed view?
  14. Haha awesome. I'm talking to the organizer (Outlaw), I'm trying to figure out if he has some spots setup for photography.... most of the track looks to be surrounded by fencing so that would make pictures difficult without using my tripod and a long USB cord to do live shooting from my laptop.... but yah, I don't want to deal with all that.
  15. I'll be there taking some pictures it seems.
  16. Most modern guns have drop/shock protection, the way they are built the only way to fire is to pull the trigger (and on a lot, have your palm on the backstrap). There are stories of people with 1911 on Condition 0 being smashed in an accident... hammer bent all the way over just mangled... and no discharge...
  17. I believe they CAN choose to, but if they cause an accident the city will be liable legally... but then again cops can do whatever they want right?
  18. Doesn't matter if they're in a pinto or on a super bike... they CANNOT LEGALLY pursue... creates a dangerous situation.
  19. Problem isn't the price at big retail stores, it's the availability. Just don't go to Gander Mtn for 9mm... it's always overpriced.
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