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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. So what's the call? Magley, where when we meeting?
  2. The student got very lucky here... the lawsuit is called a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation).... the problem is MOST defendants will drop/change their comments instead of retaining counsel.... Why not make libel a criminal matter instead of civil?
  3. I agree, in BS cases like this the suit is correct... but who else has paid attention to the whole towing company suing for 300,000. The point is, there are problems on both sides of this battle, you can't have easy lawsuits and protect both people.
  4. "But Chevy! If people aren't held accountable for their lies how will we possibly live?!?!?" I'm so tired of the courts treating the "internet" as an interstate mode of communication... instead of just seeing it as a new mode of communication completely. what's next? Ohio businesses suing people in China for saying Ohio companies are producing lead based toys? lol
  5. The lawsuit isn't unreasonable... the door it opens is.
  6. better be careful what you say about Ohio businesses. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2010/06/10/engine-supreme-court.html?sid=101
  7. The problem here is that the ruling is counter to burdon of proof... they won't pass a law saying RADAR or LIDAR required because it would close the door to new technology (not saying it's impossible just saying I don't think it's likely). But the worst news is that even if that new law was created this is a supreme court ruling... I'm not sure how congress overrides a supreme court ruling... call me ignorant
  8. lol, glad to see common sense prevailed and this was unlocked. Give it a little time though, it'll get locked just like the rest of the good threads.
  9. Likwid


    Yah seriously, you should see what she does when I get home
  10. Likwid


    Main Entry: jer·ry–rigged Pronunciation: \ˈjer-ē-ˌrigd\ Function: adjective Etymology: probably blend of jerry-built and jury-rigged Date: 1959 : organized or constructed in a crude or improvised manner <a jerry–rigged plan> jerry-built 1869, Eng. dial. jerry "bad, defective," a pejorative use of the male nickname Jerry (a popular form of Jeremy), or from naut. slang jury "temporary," which came to be used of all sorts of makeshift and inferior objects (see jury (adj.)). However, we should not confuse "jerry-built" with "jury rigged". While they sound similar, their meanings are DIFFERENT. *shrug*
  11. Likwid


    What's funny is, I said "jerryrigged" all the time, and someone asked me "How the hell do you get away with that around your wife?" I had no idea what they were talking about... apparantly that term came form WWII as a slur against germans.... *shrug* damn jerries
  12. Likwid


    me gusta tambien!
  13. Likwid


    He didn't threaten to rape you. You inferred that he was. Now shutup and go make that sammich.
  14. Likwid


    I find "someone getting jewed down" just as offensive as someone saying "I couldn't get that installed so I nigerrigged it" Casper's whole comment about "prejudice is ok but not racism, I don't care if you worship dog shit" blah blah blah. I don't think it makes a whole ton of sense, but it means it's fair game to make fun of someone for anything other than their race.... "Wow, you got burned like a tall red headed pale dude" is ok I guess.
  15. Likwid


    schmuck also shmuck (shmk)n. Slang A clumsy or stupid person; an oaf.
  16. It's not a law, it's a precedent. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, just pointing out the vast difference in a law system derived from Common law. Actually passing a law from the government does nothing but IMPLY a precedence... something isn't enforceable until a judge upholds or overturns it. Why do I say all this? Nothing our politicians do will change the fact that all a judge has to do is rule against it and a precedence has been set.
  17. Likwid


    I find this amusing considering your name is an old Yiddish word!
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