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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Born there, went to college there and lived there. What you wanna know about my home?
  2. Boy, you two really know how to keep the magic going in a relationship. But at least you seem to have mutual interest and there's no video with her arguing that pie is round, so your wrong saying pi R squared.
  3. The doctors asked if she was sexually active and she said," No, I just kind of lie there and try to figure out how long it takes to go 60 miles if I'm driving a 60mph if all my tires are different sizes".
  4. More info from the owner:
  5. It's always interesting to see older bikes because of the way they came up with new/ different ways to solve issues.
  6. If that's not staged she should be given free birth control injections just to make sure she doesn't accidently lose that aspirin between her knees.
  7. Not mine but yes he is a dual sport rider also. Cool old Panther I was lucky enough to get some photos and video of it running. It reminds me how far our bikes have come and that the things we bitch about are so small in comparison to what riding was back then. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RCO7JHoB14
  8. Update: Spoke with Shinko USA. They advised me that the bias ply tires are prone to this issue and if it occurs to contact the dealer it was purchased from. You should expect to receive a full refund. They HAVE had this happen with bikes smaller than the V-strom but it is mostly a big bike issue. Proper tire inflation is important to avoid issues! The New radial E-705 has radial on the side wall so 3 nylon and 3+1 nylon tread are both bais ply tires. The new E705 radial was produced because of this issue and they want to know if anyone continues to have this problem with the NEW RADIAL version. Thanks, Buildit
  9. That's the difference between an evil master mind and the common thug. We master minds use the queens tung.
  10. Screw Corporal Punishment, kick them in the Privates!
  11. Well, as for how aggressive I get on the V-strom with the Shinko There's video. But enough of the what oil do you like talk. A knowledgeable tire guy on ADV pointed out Shinko has redesigned these tires since I bought the one I just took off. I am trying to learn the difference but the tire was "bias based"? Hope I'm saying that right. The new one on the bike is radial supposedly with side 2 nylon and thread 3+1 ARAMID. So I'll see if it has the same issue. If it does I will try to find a tire that has the same handling and traction as the E-705 on and off road. In the mean time if you're riding behind me let me know if the rear tire starts getting bigger.
  12. Well sure, I get them for free, should I fill up your gas tank too. Well, the 950 is a totally different beast than the DL1000. I've tested both. As for death wings, I know where there are lots of them for free on the BMW sites. Anyone a little aggressive soon finds them to be a scary on pavement in the corners. When I got the 950 SE it had Scorpions on it and I hated them. It now has Shinko 244's. They are a great mix on the rear for 50/50 riding. I did have S-12's and they were wicked on trails in the deepest mud but horrible on the road. So am I a hater? Maybe, I just know what type of feel I like and don't like on the bike. When this 705 falls off, I may try a gripster. I had one on the KLR when it was new and it was good on the road and in gravel, it also went forever so it might be the better tire. We shall see.
  13. I use them because Death wings are shit for handling, Tourances cup like crazy and annakees suck on gravel. The Shinkos are the BEST for paved and unpaved surfaces but now I know the actual tire life is much shorter than the tread life.
  14. Dude, it's a V-strom not a sport bike that does 130+ mph.
  15. Well, my first Shinko 705 was a good tire for grip and ride but today it lost some of my positive appeal when I noticed it was coming apart after 3000 miles. Now I know I treat my bikes a little rough but this was a shock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3-CCfFEv08
  16. Are beavers exotic animals? I mean I'd hate for all the women in Ohio to have to give up their beavers if the law passes.
  17. No, the lonely 300lb woman was picked up for hording kitty cats and her 250lb third grader was sent to the fat farm. Let's see, I don't trust the government, but I don't trust you, but I'm to lazy to handle it myself so my taxes are going up so the government, who I don't trust, will handle it for me. And so it goes......
  18. You know with all the news about what happened in Zanesville public opinion is very against the public ownership of "exotic animals"? Yes, I know most people are not nuts who will release their pets and kill themselves but how do you sway public opinion when the media and Jack Hanna are against you? In other words how do you prove your not a fucking moron with an 1400 lb pair of man eating teeth sitting angry in a cage? On the other side of that is the news showing so many horses and family pets that are mistreated. The stories I've heard from my friend at the Franklin County Animal Control about what people have done to their cats and dogs makes me think that some people should be allowed to own a cockroach! So other than making ownership of exotic pets extremely expensive how do you show the owners are capable and mentally okay to own these animals? Reminds me of the Far Side comic with the dingo farm next to the baby nursery.
  19. It's called stereotyping and I'm as guilty as anyone for doing it. It is what happens when we recognize the few poor actors instead of the masses of others who just enjoy the ride no matter what it's on. We Ride, We Smile, We All Do It on Two Wheels:burnout:
  20. I know I'm cruel and unusual but saw this and for some reason this thread popped into my head
  21. I lead a lot of rides so having a rear facing mount is awsome to catch the action from a better view point.
  22. Good bike but if it's anything like the YZ426 please be careful, it can get away from you in a hurry. But have fun and I'd love some photos of the trails you find.
  23. I've seen some innovative folks mount them to their chin guard on their full face helmets.
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