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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I would be shot stuffed and feathered! but I'll try to post up here.
  2. You must have had better teachers than I had. I can count the teachers I had who'd I'd have trusted with a gun on one finger. Better to identify kids showing signs of violence and help them before hand or expellee them. Lots of home schooling programs out there now.
  3. I think that is the best thing to do and good on you for finding purposes greater than petty revenge or defamation. Too bad the TV shows and music people listen to are all about capping someone or vindictive revenge. I'm sure the news will twist this into a six part media blitz which in turn will only fuel others who feel the need to be vindicated to take similar actions.
  4. Gee, I wonder if this will effect the school budget. Pretty crazy world we live in. I'm just glad I DON'T have kids.
  5. Too many parents who rely on society to raise their kids. What did society teach your child today?
  6. Part 1 where we were appraising the trails, so to speak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyFbYdzxIc8 Part 2 with mud and creek runs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYDPF74NBoY
  7. So does that mean you have a DS or dirt bike? We were at Hidden Springs today in Springfield. Only one girl with us But she rocks a little ttr125 off road. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyFbYdzxIc8
  8. So any of the girls ride off road or are they all road queens?
  9. Just a DYI video showing the replacement of a rear break line on the KLR and then the cheapest / easiest method I know to bleed and reprime the break line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiRraLu8Bmc
  10. I don't know, I think there were lots of people I met in college who were there for the wrong reasons and taking the easiest degree they thought were available. Like football players who take communications degrees and then you hear them on the news and you can't understand half of what they say.
  11. Are you saying my masters in nonsexual asian small talk using one syllable words is worthless? Wat up? Not Much Dat good yeah good work now yes, and hard yes, work hard
  12. Wait I saw a Sasquatch in that video!
  13. And Race to Dakar, my hands, my hands! Just watch Charlie, you'll see.
  14. The correct answer is my U tube videos. Don't forget Mondo enduro, Terra Circa, super cross and Dust to Glory.
  15. On Any Sunday. Learn about the roots of motorcycling in America. No chrome included.
  16. If he and you are "human" survival instinct would drive you to head to the 75mph road and wave down any by passer for help if other options are not available. Sorry but the way you make it sound the poor kid lives in a bubble and is made of egg shells. I understand what your saying and yes keep it simple and make it straight forward. But at the same time, in a real emergency people follow emotional logic not rational thought. Real fear will ruin a rational plan. Find a safe spot out front to wait or make the shed with the phone the first place you go to call 911. If everyone doesn't arrive there go to the second spot near the driveway. If you have some inhalation the last thing you want is to be passed out in the back yard. Just trying to emphasize that you need to address all possibilities. A one plan solution only fits one possible problem. Discuss as many possibilities as you can to resolve the best possible answer for everyone.
  17. No my KLR sound much better than that.
  18. I'm sorry to sound cruel but I would hope at 8 years old after escaping the house and going to the meeting place, if he were for some reason, unable to find either of you there after not so long a time, would head to a neighbors instead of freezing to death in the back yard. Chances are if your actually human, you or your wife will forsake your own safety to make sure he has made it out safe by going to his room. Being he is human he would most likely do the same, going to your room. On another note, why are you meeting in the back yard? Why not meet in the drive way where a first responders will arrive at and be able to offer immediate assistance. And a first responder could be a neighbor or passerby, so don't say he'd freeze to death before help arrives.
  19. Call Tom Asher 1-740 nine74-7631, just up the road from you. Has his own shop and is very good. Mention Buildit sent you and he'll charge you double.
  20. Don't shoot! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qikc39EPKkw
  21. If she splits any further she'd be fuckin herself Freud would say, "Computer issues are trying to screw you!"
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