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Everything posted by buildit

  1. http://www.rv-toy-hauler-info-and-more.com/toy-hauler-tent-trailer.html
  2. I have had 3 and still own one. They are great guns, never had one fail and are as accurate as an 308 I've shot.
  3. I went for a 120 mile ride where I roosted two police, wheelied over a ditch to escape a snow plow, passed a line of cars stuck behind a old guy in a pickup who wouldn't go over 20mph and had perfect traction the whole time. Then I woke up and looked outside to see 50 mile per hour winds, ice and snow drifts in the yard.
  4. buildit

    Gun Forums

    I like the "bug out" comment. Cause the best place to be in an emergency is on the highway with 50 million others looking for a safe spot and more gas to get to BFE where supplies are limited, resources are scarce and you know nothing about the terrain.
  5. I'd call it a lesson in purchasing as it sounds like sending them back is going to be a POS. Take the $15 if you can get it.
  6. It's not just criminal history anymore. Employers can look at your driving record, credit score, face book page, or any other factor they want. So if more whites own cars and therefore get speeding tickets then is looking at their driving record racial discrimination? Better yet, should I go after Scotts Lawn because they won't hire smokers and smoking is largely seen as a lower class addiction, so they are discriminating against minorities? I always remember the episode of the Simpsons with the pastors wife screaming "Won't someone think of the children" when discussing drinking laws.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh2sWSVRrmo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  7. Well, mines not a snow blower.
  8. Yeah, there's a spot near me like that. Wish I had better video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJADJl6bhRM
  9. Yeah, I need so cheap 45/70 gov't ammo.
  10. Or do certain racial groups commit more crimes? Let's name the racial group(s) that makes music videos glorifying crime and gang violence.
  11. So then I guess getting a security clearance to view classified materials is discrimination?
  12. See, it all works out in the end.
  13. Harley, the proud representative of viagra in the USA.
  14. Ehhh, it seemed like the right place to post it at the time. I guess Casper can delete or move it if needed.
  15. Head over to the Iron Pony facebook page and post a recommendation based on your shopping experience there. The recommendation with the biggest impact wins $50! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Iron-Pony-Motorsports/144122462280904
  16. That will be rather pointless since as I pointed out the NC line is only the last 500-1000 ft of the dragon before reaching the Deals Gap resort. In fact looking at the map it appears the route into town is not restricted either. I applaud the NC attempt and hopefully it does stop most truckers from using those roads but it has long been known the NC is the state reaping the benefits of the Deals Gap area and TN gets stuck with the expenses of clean up, road repair and cost to patrol it. So TN would shut it down if the could while NC would expand it another 100 miles so that more tourists would come.
  17. Too bad it's just the NC side. If I read this right trucks can still enter from the TN side without issue. It is also slightly meaningless because TN has control over the majority of the dragon. I think the state line is about 500 ft or so past the Deal Gap resort. So basically NC has about 1000 ft of road in which to catch trucks entering the dragon before they are safe from violating the size restriction.
  18. buildit


    I used a crossman pump with hunting pellets.
  19. buildit


    When I lived in Gahanna I used to pop squirrels with a BB gun all day long. They tasted good.
  20. Our salvation army won't take it as they have too many. My other option was to miss work and drive it to a place in Columbus that recycles used electronics. So making a video destroying it seems the best option if it isn't gone by this weekend! PS- Yes it is listed on Craigs List.
  21. Well, I had several ideas. 1. put video of cruisers poking along on it and ride by on the KTM and shoot it. 2. video camera attached to it showing me ride towards and over the tv. 3. gas and burn with a video playing
  22. Well, I already decided if no one wants to buy it I'll use it in some stupid Jack ass style video stunt.
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