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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Are you in a band and write your own songs? Or do you ever play with music generating programs on the computer? Have any examples? Here's one of my first songs but now everything I use im my videos is music I make on the computer. http://s147.photobucket.com/albums/r288/luke1324/rides/music/?action=view&current=Warvideo.mp4
  2. All it's missing is a bike loaded in the back!
  3. Remember what it was like before Advfilmer? No? Well, here is where the cavmen began more or less and where I started the process that lead me to start Advfilmer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wu11flpRfw
  4. +++100000 Yeah, the closest store is 20 miles away and I'm the next to last house on our electric grid so I have a generator but after living in Gahanna for 20 years and seeing the code Nazis' doing stupid crap like cut down every tree on a street to avoid sidewalk repair. Thank God I'm a mountain man living in BFE. Some day I'll make it back to the Adirondacks to live but till then this is home.
  5. Who'd ever guess that making access to you $$$ easier would result in it being easier for others to steal?
  6. He must be using multiple parachutes to keep from sudden deceleration shock. It'll be interesting to know the physical results of decelerating from falling that far. Well, if the parachutes work it will be interesting, otherwise we all know the result of sudden deceleration when you hit the earth.
  7. If you were doing KTMs I think for ease of use I'd agree with the majority on the pit bull with the dill-do in it's mouth. What that's a tire? Oh shit sorry. Probably the one in the lower left with the colors of the one in the upper left.
  8. No, I think the issue most LEO have with anyone carrying a child in front of them while riding is that if they are too small to ride on the back they are not likely to be safe riding in front of you either. As I said though, it usually ends up being a judgement call as to where you are and how fast you are going. kind of like kids being in the bed of a pickup.
  9. I believe in Ohio it is illegal to have a passenger sitting in front of you on a bike. Still I think the situation should determine the means. Like others said 10 mph in a bubdivision is different than 30 down a busy street.
  10. There appears to be lots of concrete evidence to that. Sorry, to soon?
  11. Best of luck and success to you. If you'd like some shop video help let me know.
  12. Many of the weld shops I worked at used the place off 315 and Greenlawn ave. Don't remember the name but it's on the NE corner of the intersection. I think some NAPA stores also carry acetylene and welding supplies. At least the one in North Lewisburg did when I worked at CPS.
  13. I think you are not ready for that bike and should bring it over to my place tonight so I can trade you my V-strom for it. Oh come on, I had to try!
  14. Yeah, I did the road once. Left leg if still f-d up.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61TQ1oPbLyU Some various go downs I've had.
  16. Find a member who has a story worth telling or a track day event upcoming and then follow the key moments of his preparation and ride.
  17. Can I borrow a couple billion? I promise my grand kids will be good for it.
  18. Don't forget to claim that on your taxes.
  19. As an more off road oriented rider I'd give it a thumbs up. You watch any road riding oriented group video and all you see and hear if gang banging poseing, at least they kept it real and honest. We all push limits, sometimes that the legal limit, sometimes it's the physical limit. But it's all part of riding, like it, love it, hate it, just do it safe.
  20. Ever hear that person trying to find 50 good reasons to get a motorcycle? Wish they sounded more like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gci-_kk5uQ
  21. About as far away as the government prepackaging meals for us and having us all line up for our Soil and Green. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh2sWSVRrmo&lc=EYrNQ2PnVYq4-MQMGyfkQuT3oVaPSXVUTP8BHHoTHP8&context=C3c193f3ADOEgsToPDskLkW0soebNjW7m5zQIvWwNv
  22. I am a smoker and totally agree with this proposed law. From now on when I want a smoke I'll kick the kids out of the car and make them walk behind me down the freeway till I'm done. People will see this and hail me as a savior of the children!
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