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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Neighbors replaced their TV for Christmas and asked me to help find their old one a new home. Perfect for a kids room or play room tv for the X-box. $10 OBO can take it home. I'm 7 miles north of London off 56 and I70 west of Columbus. Exterior is 30 wide 27high and about 20 deep Screen is 20 high by 26 wide
  2. KTM950se, KLR650, XR250, DR650, and BMW650. Wide angle lense make everything look like your moving faster. I'll have to do a comparison sometime between the Roam and VIO POV.
  3. Here was how the ride went from my perspective. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDNfjuNrdy8
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzD6lkmls9s Guy on my new years eve ride also made a version of the ride from his perspective. Not many people consider me a fast rider so hearing someone complain about the tough trails and speed if funny. Good thing we didn't do the hard stuff.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KINkURiRTE0
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2S1gjODY_M I have awsome neighbors. With Mikes 50 years farm experience and my tractor we got the truck out even in a windy, pissy, rain. Then since I was wet already I washed the truck and the KTM and 426 from this weekends rides. Then dowsed them in water displacement 40 and put everything away now seriously cold and wet. Sure as shit, the moment my boots came off the f'n sun comes out! I hate 2012 even more now! I better win the lottery to make up for this first day of BS!
  7. I want 2011 back! So far 2012 sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8InJcTufPvw
  8. Normally I'd stick this in ride reports but aside from being a video of a friends first time at Crow Canyon, it is also a good look at the lower loop in the park so people can judge the difficulty. Keep in mind this was Friday 12-30-11 after several days of rain in the wettest year of Ohio's written history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSz_wpN--iY
  9. I have my top people working on the issue. Just time and money right? Right now I have neither.
  10. Day after Christmas ride. What a way to finish the Christmas weekend! Posted it in HD so other than my crappy mic it came out great. There are crashes, lots of wet riding, getting stuck in the mud and me getting roosted by Kory. Hope everyone likes it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuQS7i9it38
  11. So I'll admit I'm getting old and clueless. Like GLWS. What's it mean? Green Legs With Sex? George Loves Womens Slippers? God Likes White Salamanders? Great Locks With Salmon? Giant Lips Will Suck? Someone answer this and ask your own cluless question.
  12. I can't trust a bike that hasn't been offroaded. Hope he gets a good sale.
  13. If your packing heat I hope I never give you bad advice
  14. I haven't looked but I know they have enduros south in Georgia in January. Might be worth looking at the weather there?
  15. Basically it is lame and closed till April like the rest of the State APV areas.
  16. More info... http://ohiodnr.com/forestry/forests/maumee/tabid/5159/Default.aspx
  17. Maumee APV? A short 1.5 hours north compared to three hours to Wayne. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeidfVE8giM
  18. Having a quad in troy is like having a surf board in Piqua. Might wanna get a trailer with it.
  19. Putting all kidding aside for a minute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJR_OsGfTnc
  20. So for four years now I've had my VIO POV helmet camera. It has filmed hundreds of hours on and off road. But I always wanted the mic to be in the helmet not half way up the cord where all it hears is wind. So today I did some penny tech. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rKj0LVh0SY
  21. Do yourself a favor and don't read all the taxes on your phone bill, your head might explode!
  22. Probably closer to real German food than many others. My great grandmother straight from Germany cooked more food like Der Dutchman than Schmidts. Schmidts is German tourist food. Like calling Taco Bell authentic Mexican.
  23. I thought it was gonna go pron any minute. Good angles and lighting job in a dark garage like that. Still think it was a good plot line for porn, what with her doing the head toss over and over. Bow-chicka-bow, walka,walka......
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