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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Cheapest - KLR650 Most Powerfull- KTM 990SE but KTM already has the 990SM Most converted - DR650 Coolest (IMHO) - YZ426 or 450 , Though I have seen some awsome jobs on pre07 KLR's using DRZ front forks. I have two friends who can have the triple rebored for the bigger forks for you on the klr.
  2. That would explain the inability to keep it up.
  3. Mr. Robert Greene, Please forward full payment to the US, IRS as after liquidating all my assets I still have outstanding taxes. The IRS will refund me any overpayment as soon as yours is processed. Since I am currently in maximum security prison for killing a lieing thief, I'm sure you can understand why I can't receive this personally. I'll be out in 8 months and will have at least a few thousand to restart my life thanks to you. I'm a very trusting person but liers and theives make me go crazy since being over seas. Send me your address so I can come thank you personally when I get out and can travel. Thanks, Billy Joe Bob IN#245-666 Ohio Correctional Facility #110325
  4. Get a gold wing like so the old lady can sit in the recliner on back. Seriously, two up, normal sized Americans with luggage going long distance? Goldwing. There isn't another bike out there set up for creature comfort like they are. At least not that I've ever seen.
  5. Maybe, my friend who saw it said the guy just drove off into the berm and as he was killing speed went over the bars. Then he got right up. I was on the phone with him and he said he stopped and the guy gave him a thumbs up. This happened last Sunday so I'd figure you'd know about it by now if it was a friend. By what CHS said the bike looked okay but had smashed plastic all over and was a sport bike. So who knows?
  6. Rider heading West on I-70 near Springfield who went off into the grass for no apparent reason and flipped? My buddy saw the whole thing and couldn't figure out why you wrecked but was glad you gave him a thumbs up to let him know you were okay. So man up, who was it and what happened? From the description I figured it was proof crotch rockets can't be ridden under 75mph for more than 3 miles without falling over.
  7. Ride with out gear? You are dead to us. Seriously though, yes every time! It's ATGATT not atgmott
  8. $120! Hell for that much take the tires off the bike, dirve to IP in Columbus buy new tires and last I knew it was $25 for mounting and balancing if you buy the tires there. Otherwise bring the bike and new tire to London and I'll change them for you. Better yet, I'll teach you to change them. We can always balance them on the axel till you get someone to do a better job, if needed.
  9. Sounds like you should switch to offroad riding just so he'll leave you alone. Then again, maybe that's why no one here talks to me either.
  10. Congrats on the new bike. I'll probably be tied up Sunday but if Saturday looks okay I'd run down on the strom.
  11. Just a question, but why would you have built a fence on their property anyways? When I lived in Gahanna it was often a big deal when someone put up a fence. I can't believe a fence company would put one in without knowing they were well within the bounderies of the property line for the customer.
  12. Sounds like code for something.....
  13. I must be a sucka, I've bought two bikes and several items at good prices andin good shape. But you gotta spend the time to watch for the deals worth responding to.
  14. I have a "kind of" steet legal YZ426 that'll rip that skin off your ass I'll sell you for $2300.
  15. It's all about what the bike is worth to "you". As the seller you are bound to think more in terms of the $$$ you've already put into the bike than what someone is willing to buy it for. But that's why you are there trying to find that sweet deal where some sucker has a bike priced way low and you can get a good deal on it. Most can't afford to give the bike away, but if you set up a meeting to "see" the bike and talk about it, you can make a case for what you would be willing to pay for it vs what they want. It's called barter. If there price is too high to start watch for the same bike back on there in a week for a lower price.
  16. No it's Opra, that money hording bitch.
  17. I'm sure Obama will say something comforting to the masses in the next 24 hours that will send it to under 10,000 by the end of the month.
  18. I'll give you the simple answer..... Double dip, be at least till Christmas before any "real" recovery, won't last even then if oil/gas prices continue to be so speculative. You'll know I'm right when reports start to circulate about the lack of consumer spending for school supplies despite large price reductions because of over stock.
  19. Sorry you learned the hard way. But let it be said that gear won't always save you, it just gives you a fighting chance. As I mentioned before I even had gear, better than most peoples on road stuff. Unless something bad happens this will be in my leg for the rest of my life. But when I think what it could have been without gear........ I thank God for my good decisions.
  20. Wanna know if your rep voted no? Here's a list. Not a single dem voted yes. Member Party Dist. Marcia L. Fudge D OH-11 Jim Jordan R OH-4 Marcy Kaptur D OH-9 Dennis J. Kucinich D OH-10 Tim Ryan D OH-17 Betty Sutton D OH-13 Michael R. Turner R OH-3
  21. Don't forget Tar Hollow State Park. Not as much to do as the others but also less crowded on weekends. As for castles, It's not Southern Ohio but Macachee and Piatt Castles are near West Liberty North of Urbana. They are also very close to Ohio Caverns and might be what you remember?
  22. Hold them down and make them watch videos of bad crashes with people not wearing gear. This guy whining is enough to make most people wear the gear just so he'll STFU. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFD9az2eAv0&feature=relmfu
  23. Old mans cave, Ash Cave and Cedar Falls are great little hikes and access is free.
  24. You know why we all have to wear seat belts now? Because it was the idiots who didn't wear them and died in the accidents. You know why a lot of states require a helmet? Because idiots who don't wear them die in their accidents. I'm not saying it's right but we all know the US is two faced about Darwin and evolution. We force his theories to be taught in schools but then we outlaw the things that would assist evolution of the human species.
  25. Forget asteroids, I'm going with genetically manipulated virus released by some industry who cut corners on lab controls and safety protocols. That or an attack of the killer tomatoes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebfLWAB8bY4
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