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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Well, I returned the battery and with the $30 I went and bought a new MP3 player. Anyone wanna buy some used Ipod Mini parts?
  2. Well, I'd say it was easy, but after charging for 4 hours the ipod won't work when unplugged from the computer. I think the battery they sold me is either a dud or incompatable for some reason.
  3. To late, got the battery, installed it put things back together and It say's it's charging now. Weird thing was it wouldn't start charging till I connected it to the lab top. So I hope I got it back together right. Oh and the battery was almost double what it was online at Batteries Plus. I guess you pay for convenience ($30)?
  4. Well, it's apart and all I need to do is get the battery (EC003). I'll check batteries plus tomorrow ($16 if I order online) and maybe get it back together by tomorrow evening if their price is right.
  5. Back in the 90's when I was doing tree work they'd tell homeowners it was there responsibility to keep trees trimmed. I guess the policy has changed if they are offering to do it for you?
  6. They tried eating testicles on Long Way Round.
  7. buildit

    Senate Bill 5

    I wonder how much this fight is costing the "guberment" both for the workers and legislative branches? As for the politicians who fled Wisconsin in order to avoid voting, is this an act of sabotage and bring about legal actions? Isn't this like police seeing a crime and turning a blind eye? Total dereliction of duty.
  8. It might be a while before I can watch that video, I'm on dial up. :-( I like slow bikes and even slower modem connections.
  9. And why is it blue? A hint would be our blood is red because of Iron in our hemoglobin. Have to admit there are a lot of products produced from Horse Shoe crabs. PS I love pickled dear heart! That's good eating.
  10. Think a metal shim would be enough to release the clips? I figure once I get the battery out I can get the model # and find a new one.
  11. Yeah, but I'd rather hear it from someone here. It great to watch a video on something but in the back of my mind I'm thinking I'll still screw it up. Might give me a warm fuzzy feeling if I think someone in "real life" has done it successfully.
  12. I have always thought it funny, what people consider bad taste in foods. After all caviar is fish eggs, eggs are unborn chickens, and hot dogs are still a great unknown! So in the way of a scientist, I guess Horse cum is health enough and a life supporting substance just like tofu, even if I don't eat either. I have eaten, cow brain (sweat breads), ostrich, alligator, snake, s-cargo, cow tung, chocolate grasshopper and a lot of other insects that land in my teeth as I've gone down the road. What is SO gross you wouldn't eat it even if you were starving? I can only come up with several things outside of cannibalism. Horse Shoe crab is one item I'd never eat, wanna know why? It's in their blood.
  13. So I got a free Ipod classic (used) and it works very well other than the battery only holding about an hours charge. I wanna replace the battery but I see no reason to spend what it would cost me to get another Ipod to do it. So has anyone ever taken there's apart to attempt this? Is it simply a matter of prying off the bottom and pullin' out the guts? Did it work afterwards?
  14. buildit

    Senate Bill 5

    Everything I heard/read says' existing contracts and obligation are uneffected. It would seem to be a way for the government to weed out the Peter Principal winners who've been incompetent at their jobs for years. I think it is ridiculous that state employees can call in sick and then picket the state house over this bill. If I were I was the government exec Id fire them for lying about being sick if they can prove they were there.
  15. I took a short ride to clear my head and the injectors. Did a nice 16 ft fish tail leaving a gas station with a salt/sand residue across the entrance. Sorry no photos, I was busy riding. :-)
  16. buildit


    A marine? :wtf:I didn't know Nigeria had a navy?
  17. buildit

    CL fail

    Either Chillicothe has the worst education in the US or has been moved to Nigeria. Maybe Scooby Doo is selling his ride?
  18. Watson is an interesting program. If you dumb it down it looks for statistical matches between words in the question and reference materials available. The incredible part is that Watson learns from it's mistakes and successes.
  19. +1 Yes, he is an avid motorcyclist too. :-) Thank you for voting for Brandon Moore! Tell your friends about this AMW All-Star. Go to the AMW All-Star Home Page
  20. First problem to going faster is getting the older driver to go above 45mph. Frankly I think speed is relative to the congestion on the road and road conditions. It amazes me how WV has a 75mph speed limit up and down twisting roads where Ohio is 65mph across I70 between Columbus and Springfield.
  21. I know one easy thing is if the voice has a hindu accent just hang up.
  22. As long as they don't install them on the dirt paths in SE Ohio.
  23. Obviously you still think your innocent until proven guilty. How quaint. Your car/bike, so the burden of proof in on you to prove it wasn't you.
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