It's every site, you mix the young and restless with the old and conformed and tempers will fly. Most either seem to find a group in a corner to hang with or just develop a thick skin. I have to admit I've never heard anyone call Strom troopers an elitist site. Most of them are just so laid back it's like their on valium. Unless of course you were butting heads with BTD (bad train driver) he's a trip online but one of the few guys I've meet at their tech days who's as crazy as me on his Vee. Big B is the Central Ohio mod and a really nice guy. He balanced my throttle bodies for me and has some kick ass programs for the aftermarket Controllers so many people decide to get for their Vee's. As for ADV, just avoid the basement (Jo Mama) and people are pretty cool, other than that Zack guy. Although his GF is a great mechanic.