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Everything posted by buildit

  1. You trying to stab enemies with that? I'd be scared reguardless of being a friend or not.
  2. Putting bullets into a semi-automatic gun inside a house when you have no safe direction to discharge it is asking for an accident. Something my dad always said is once an arrow is let go there is no calling it back, so don't draw the string unless your sure you intend to fire. I apply this to guns also, don't load it unless you intend to fire it.
  3. I started carrying a pocket knife in middle school. Unlike todays kids it was a tool not something you whip out to impress friends or scare enemies.
  4. I've been pleased with the bike being stock, just under 30,000mi and running a tooth down on the front that the milage has maintained 40+ even with givi luggage side cases. I've always ridden like an idiot, so I have no idea what it would get with "responsible" ridding.
  5. Yeah, I got a bb gun for shooting squirrels. Yeah, it doesn't look as cool but their just as dead.
  6. I understand, I just think it's often discussed by gold marketing people as if there is some magical exchange that means the gold you have is worth the market value making gold a secure investment. It's like foreign currency. I don't know of anyplace that will give you 100% of the value of a foreign currency in exchange for us currency. So if you invest you have to keep in mind that there is a 10-15% exchange rate in the purchase and sale. It's not a 1 for 1 deal.
  7. I always wonder if the value of gold is $xxxx, why normal folks only get paid a % of that amount. Kind of like having a gas tanker and only getting paid only $2 a gallon. I wonder if I paid people $95 for $100 bills how many customers I'd have? I mean you know the jeweler isn't selling that ring at market price for it's weight in gold.
  8. I'm right 98% of the time, who cares about the other 3%.
  9. After being a bouncer in several bars all I can say is most people drinking are neither qualified to carry or protect anyone with a gun. Needless to say I don't drink anymore or go to bars. Too many idiots out there who think there 10 ft tall and bullet proof and too many folks ready to prove them wrong.
  10. I think those of us who've put a pet down know how hard this is to even consider. I would set in stone the circumstances that would tell you it's time. Otherwise you may continue to put it off till way past when it should have been done. I often view death as hardest on those who remain behind. It is quick and painless for the pet.
  11. Makes you wonder if there isn't a couple top ATF dogs raking in some big cartel pay checks for allowing the guns to travel south.
  12. At 6'4" 290 nimble is a relative thing. And that's just the rider http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usVh8bhEbtQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_ADocIZEkE
  13. I get around 45mpg on my Vee and friends with Wee's report around 55-60mpg. If there's one thing I ever thought was bad about the wee it was the fact they seem to come stock with no protection to the oil filter / front of the engine. At least the Vee has the "one time impact" plastic guard.
  14. You can see the motard in the center of the photo. It was 2008, don't know what class this was but he rocked the group.
  15. Shit Ben, I've seen mods that make you look like f'n Gandhi.
  16. It's every site, you mix the young and restless with the old and conformed and tempers will fly. Most either seem to find a group in a corner to hang with or just develop a thick skin. I have to admit I've never heard anyone call Strom troopers an elitist site. Most of them are just so laid back it's like their on valium. Unless of course you were butting heads with BTD (bad train driver) he's a trip online but one of the few guys I've meet at their tech days who's as crazy as me on his Vee. Big B is the Central Ohio mod and a really nice guy. He balanced my throttle bodies for me and has some kick ass programs for the aftermarket Controllers so many people decide to get for their Vee's. As for ADV, just avoid the basement (Jo Mama) and people are pretty cool, other than that Zack guy. Although his GF is a great mechanic.
  17. I'll get on the other computer later and see if I can find the photo. It had to be 08' when I saw that.
  18. No idea, it was a couple years ago. I have pics, somewhere, I think. All I remember is he stood out like a pickup at Indy.
  19. Sounds like sometime Friday. Might be time to load up and head to higher ground for the weekend?
  20. Gotta love some of the super mottos. Seen one embarrass street bikes at the VMD. I think he almost lapped the leader of the street bike pack by really hanging it all out in the corners.
  21. Today was a great day to ride. Of course when the sun goes down it could be a different story.
  22. I was out last week and thought the residue was still a little slick. But today I took the V-strom to the club to work out and the roads were fine. I think that heavy rain washed the roads even if it left some areas deluged.
  23. Who wants to find out if "CRABS" is a union protected group that will be effected by SB5?
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