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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I try to keep my videos private, ifyaknowwhatimean.... I shall endeavor to upload to the YouTubes - I only got Speedy v. pumpkin.
  2. jblosser


    SerpentRacer pontificating IE's greatness/vast superiority in 3, 2, 1.... Google working here from Chrome, Firefox, and IE (well, IEs4Linux, but same thing, sorta...) @OP: Try this link (an IP address instead of the name) - maybe your hosts file has Google pointing at something? Just a guess.
  3. Defense Attorneys are going to use whatever they can in an attempt to get not guilty verdicts for their clients; that's their job. Is "castle" being "abused"? The article only cited 2 instances, and said nothing on the order of "...these are only two of the thousands of instances...", so it seems to me to be a non-issue. In the first instance mentioned, the defendant (who happened to be a drug dealer) was in his vehicle. The person that was shot and killed broke the defendant's car's window in an attempt to get into the car. I don't know if the defendant was dealing drugs from his vehicle. Assuming he wasn't, the shooting seems, to me, to be justified. Even assuming he was dealing drugs from his car, which is illegal, could he still not fear for his life and be allowed to protect himself? I am not an attorney, so I can't answer that. In the other instance, a man broke into a house and was stabbed to death. The article mentions nothing about drugs. I don't see any problem there. If 'castle' happens to be used in a specious manner, would a D.A. not be savvy enough to be able to shoot holes (no pun intended) through that tactic? The rights of the homeowner/victim MUST outweigh the occasional misuse of 'castle'. * NOTE: I put 'castle' in quotes because 'castle' is a marketing term, not a legal term. It is a package of civil and criminal reforms under a heading that states refer to as Castle Doctrine. Ohio's specific version of Castle Doctrine made two broad changes, one civil and one criminal. The civil reform is not self-defense related and is easy to understand and simple to summarize: If you are harmed while you are committing a crime, whether or not you are charged with that crime, you have no civil cause of action against anyone for the harm you suffered. In other words, if you are committing a crime and get hurt, it is your own damn fault. The criminal law change is more nuanced. A simple description: If you are lawfully in a residence or motor vehicle, and someone trespasses or attempts to trespass into that residence or vehicle, then you are legally presumed to be properly acting in self-defense, including using lethal force, until the prosecution proves otherwise.
  4. Zoom in left and below the red A. Nice little private motocross track just off 23 and Orange, southern Delaware County. You'll need to make friends with the Coughlins, of Jeg's Racing fame, though.
  5. Close: Gateway bought eMachines, then Acer bought Gateway. @David - keep backing it up like you're doing, it won't die. Don't back it up, it's dead tomorrow. Murhpy @ work.
  6. Music to a parent's ear. Great job, Dad!
  7. Base 870 comes with 26" or 28" barrel. Some of the other 870 models come with 2 barrels, 20" and 26".
  8. jblosser


    Freddy Krueger hand on the left?!
  9. +rep for sense of humor and for bitterness toward ex gf...
  10. I rubbed one off on her too! Sorry T, too easy, just like my sister...
  11. Which American accent do you have? My Results: Neutral You`re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up."]Which American accent do you have? My Results: Neutral You`re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.
  12. jblosser


    I've got a Simplicity, Large Frame model 1528. This'll be the third winter in use, not a lick of trouble. Starts on the first pull every time, even at 20 below winter before last. Plows through anything as though it's not even there.
  13. Sorry - wasn't trying to bash - was trying to help. I won't chime in again.
  14. If you're using IIS: Adding “(electriceyeimages).com” to the host headers in IIS – go into IIS – properties of (electriceyeimages).com – click on the web site tab – click on the advanced button (for web site identification) – put in port “80” and the domain name “(electriceyeimages).com” without the www ***edit: Forgot to tell you, site looks good!
  15. Are you hosting this yourself? Are you using IIS? At the least, you need an A record pointing to your domain: ns1 IN A x.x.x.x www IN A x.x.x.x IN A x.x.x.x where 'x.x.x.x' = your IP ADDR.
  16. News Flash: Harley-Davidson opening new plant in Sterling, Ohio...
  17. I got there earlier than you two. Went in the wrong parking lot, headed back out to do a quick 180 into the next parking lot, about bit it on some slush as the front wheel dove on me. Went inside, signed the log, got my mini Polar Bear pin, drank a couple cups of bad coffee, bundled back up and went home. Barring snow/ice on the road I'll be doing it again.
  18. In case anyone else was wondering, VTOL = Vertical Take Off and Landing. Think helicopter.
  19. In case anyone needs one, 2008-09 Suzuki GSX650F service manual (click).
  20. Doesn't work from my phone either. KK and I both have DroidX's. Works from the desktop just fine.
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