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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Westerville schools cancelled today, which means Catholic school cancelled. Jr. goes to work today! 1/8" snow on the ground right now. I believe the proper technical term is "a dusting". <disclaimer - I'm not a trained meteorologist, a.k.a. NOAA forecast reader>
  2. Navy (retired) guy I work with says you have to be at least 6 feet tall to be in the Coast Guard - so that when your ship sinks you can walk to shore! Kidding, kidding! Thanks to all current and retired military personnel for your service!
  3. No pop-ups here, tried both .net addresses through Chrome, FF, and IE on both Linux and Windows 7. Before you call bs, I run ies4linux to get IE on Linux - needed for website compatibility testing. Not sure what the others are seeing. EDIT: Also working properly from Crackberry browser to hyphen.net and nohyphen.net
  4. Keep the area you're polishing AND the steel wool wet, and don't press hard - let the chemicals do the work. Rinse the area, see how you're doing, continue with the steel wool if needed.
  5. All clear in Galena, just north of Columbus, except for the frozen snow/ice humps where asshats have plowed their driveway into the street and didn't bother to clean up. Columbus Saturday night, all of the main streets were fine, didn't venture into neighborhoods.
  6. I've used this for 30+ years on my 6 trumpets, and have had 0 scratches. Find it at Amazon and other places online, and most music stores should have it. Should be fine on a bumper, as long as it's uncoated (actual steel, not plastic). <try in an inconspicuous area first...> EDIT: Just re-read the OP - not sure if this will <remove> rust. It <will> make the un-rusted areas shine like nothing else.
  7. That sucks. You can watch the game over here if you want, BYOB. Physical violence, while it will feel good, can only result in bad things for you. Just sayin'.
  8. The Andersons at 161 and Sawmill has a good selection of fasteners and might be good first stop - since you're in Dublin. If they don't have it, as Hue said, Roush might. And if Roush doesn't have it they can probably tell you where to find it. If you don't have to have it today, McFeely's (click) has anything and everything you could ever want. edit: just re-read the OP and saw you didn't want to go online. Oops! Still, McFeely's is great and has everything. I've shopped with them, they're quick and trustworthy.
  9. jblosser


    4 inches and still snowing in north C-Bus, 270 & 71. Roads in Worthington are hit or miss - either hit someone or miss them. Multiple tests of the ABS - it still works. Very slick in some spots, the rest of the spots are just regular slick .
  10. jblosser


    Damn liberals, always blaming the Republ...Wait, what? Umm, nevermind. Snow flurries started in earnest at 270/71 on the North side of C-Bus.
  11. If you owe (have to write a check for) more than $999, you may also get to pay a penalty for underpayment. - If you already paid more this year than last year's total bill, you're OK. - If you already paid at least 90% of this year's bill, you're OK. - If the above don't apply, BOHICA. - The 'OK' examples above don't apply if you have a "high income" as defined by the IRS ($75K/$150K single/married). <Please consult your tax professional> Bastards.
  12. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_07124649000P?keyword=ramps I have these. $130. Curved at the top as you can see, and as Flounder said. 5 years of loading the tractor, no issues except the plastic thingys that cover the 'fingers' will go missing if you aren't careful... The holes are serrated, like a cheese grater, to provide traction. If you're worried about scraping bodywork just whoolie it up the ramp then grab the brakes real quickly, ya pansy.
  13. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=34568
  14. Scratching a check to the state and feds just like every year. no refund for me.
  15. jblosser

    epic oreo cookie

    From the album: misc

  16. Used Chrome, failed. Immediately went to IE, it worked. Stupid Windows. Ice Weasel FTW. Maybe teh intarwebs work better in Pataskala than Worthington. Sunspots, probably. Of course, I don't have my A+ so don't quote me on that sunspot thing...
  17. ERC registration working @ 08:45 Registered for Delaware's May ERC class. It's always a good refresher, reinforces good practices/skillz. Put the slashes " / " in your birth date, otherwise it will bitch. Don't use Google Chrome, the site will throw an error after the first registration page. Works in Internet Exploder.
  18. Pancakes?! I thought the Chosen People ate latkes! Help out a confused Gentile here, will ya?
  19. next: snowball's chance in hell
  20. If your router is not on the supported list, try the Linksys site to see if there's a newer version of the firmware. Or, bounce the thing every morning when you get to work.
  21. Sounds like someone's torrenting. The default router config keeps track of the number of connections for up to 5 days, and it sounds like you're running out. +1 to Inya and Tomato. Simple to install and it works. Find it here (Click).
  22. "iPad" ? Really? Sounds like something the distaff side would use once a month... I don't hate Apple - they make nice stuff - it's just overpriced, and in this case poorly named. "iTablet" or even "Newton Redux" would be better.
  23. Who's that guy in the (same, tired old) black turtleneck and blue jeans? I thought Ben said Steve Jobs was dead? Just purchased a dual core netbook today. Great, I coulda had an iTablet...
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