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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Young (early, early 20's) nymphet in shorts and a wife beater said "excuse me, sir" at Kroger tonight. I just <love> when that happens....
  2. I conveniently left that part out - made my line work a little better. It's all in the timing and delivery, Matthew. Details just tend to muck things up...
  3. Airman Battle Uniform? I'm not surprised they didn't see you. Shoulda worn that Batman suit that someone posted up a few months ago..
  4. http://www.shopironpony.com/productdetail.htm?productId=8210868&ez=speedbleeder
  5. Just like Jack McCoy or Dr. House! People are used to seeing me in gear, plus by working in IT I'm automatically "weird", so no worries here...
  6. Not to answer for RFM, but I would guess he's asking whether or not The Motor Company gets a cut of gross sales of the dealership, as a lot of parent companies of franchisees do. I would guess not, but that's just my guess.
  7. Bike looks great, but can't compare to the little ones... Congratulations!
  8. Two programs, both free (as in beer) to show what's consuming space: WinDirStat http://windirstat.info TreeSize (free edition): http://www.jam-software.com/treesize_free They will sort the directories on your C:\ volume (and D:\, and any other attached drives) by the size of the directories.
  9. Depends upon where the music files themselves are located. The program itself is <probably> at C:\program files\apple.... If, as in Casper's link above, you go into iTunes and select Edit, Preferences, Advanced, Change you'll be able to see where the music is (c:\ or d:\ ). Windows gives you a My Music folder inside your My Documents folder. This has nothing to do with iTunes. Two separate things. You could move your iTunes music into My Music if you wanted to.
  10. If after moving iTunes as Casper linked you still would like more free space, you can move your swap file to the D:\ volume, here's how: (Assuming this is XP, Vista will be about the same) Click Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance (or System, depending on if you're in XP style or old style). Once in the System applet, click Advanced, then Settings in the Performance section. Now click the Advanced tab, then in the Virtual Memory section click Change. In the Drive / Volume Label pull-down, click it and change it from C:\ to D:\. OPTIONAL: Take a look at what the "recommended" amount of swap space is and then click Custom and set the minimum and maximum both to that size. Click OK until you get the "it's time to reboot" message, and say OK to that. Once it comes back up, your swap file will be off of C: and on D:, saving you around 2GB of space, give or take.
  11. Shoulda thought of that, but I was only on cup #2 of my morning coffee. So, "jet" in jet boat=the method of propulsion, not the engine type. Now, a "motorboat" has a propeller but not a motor (a motor being electric, not "Nascar-speak" for an engine), and a jet boat has no propeller and no jet engine. Makes perfect sense! Weird boat people....
  12. I have found my new bass boat...! I'm no expert, but the title of that video, "Jet boat..." sure seems to contradict with what I'm seeing in the engine bay. Looks and sounds like a big ol' Chevy (or Olds/Ford/Dodge/etc), not a turbine/jet. Semi off-topic: Anyone here ever see Art Arfons with his twin jet engine "tractor" at a tractor pull? To me as a 12 year old, that was about the coolest thing ever. Then girls came along... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtUB1yI035g
  13. Glad it worked for ya. Even a blind squirrel (me) finds a... er, never mind, too many jokes would be launched from that comment...
  14. Assuming this is Windows... Easiest: Have you shut the box down completely, then brought it up? If you have, or if that doesn't work, go to the Control Panel, Programs (or Add/Remove Programs), completely uninstall Flash, reboot, go to get.Adobe.com/flashplayer and install it fresh. That <should> fix it for ya.
  15. From a complete outsider's point of view: I don't know either of the involved parties (Brian, the promoter, and Burt, the racer) nor do I know Exit Wounds. Exit's friend didn't get all of his payout, and the payout seems to have been 2 different amounts, one that Brian posted, and one that someone else posted up somewhere. Brian talked to the two affected parties and came to an agreement to pay the higher amount - not the one he promised, but one that someone else promised. Brian has said he has the additional money in hand and has made arrangements to get the money to Burt, either via the post office or the next time they see each other. Sounds like a plan to me. As long as Brian does what he has said he will do, then everyone should be happy. Brian's postings here make him seem like a stand-up guy. He's not running from the "controversy", he's addressing it and attempting to make the aggrieved party whole (a little legal lingo for Redkow...). As that famous advocate for peace, Rodney King, once said: "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along?" As a side note to Brian: On your flyer the "Club Presidents free" and "Color Count for Most Repped Bike Club" sounds to me as if the Hell's Angels, Outlaws, et al will be in attendance. My 9 year old loves drag racing, but if that's the crowd that you're trying to attract then that's going to keep some "family" types (including me and Jr.) away. Of course, we won't buy nearly as much beer and thus add to your concession sales as much as "bikers" would, but we probably will buy more Dippin' Dots and cotton candy!
  16. "bark bark bark bark"
  17. jblosser


    No, no, no, he must be talking about this: http://www.cincinnatibridalexpo.com/
  18. Small word, isn't it? Sorry for you and your wife's loss, David.
  19. Copied from a post on another forum from a few months ago: His name is Patrick Furstenhoff. He is about 40 years old, has a wife and two kids and works in a Subaru Dealership. He was actually a motorcross and stunt rider, liked the sportsbikes but left it too late in life to try and go pro. He is no longer hiding his identity. The Police Know who he is, so he says there is no point anymore. He has actually never been arrested and charged for it. 'Police have no firm evidence it's him on the bike in the movies'. The first Ghost Rider movie was an 'up yours' to all the car nuts who were raving about a movie called "The Getaway". Patrik and friends saw how staged it was and decided to do it on the bike but for real. So Ghost Rider was born. The first GR movie was to be the only movie made. From it's release it's popularity grew and he was offered stupid amounts of money from a film company to make another.....so it continued. What people don't know is that; 1. He had spotters up the freeway to signal to him what is going on with the traffic and to inform of unexpected dangers. 2. Practice runs are first done to learn the road. 3. Practice runs are done to test different tyres and see what will hold up. 4. Practice, practice, practice. He also holds the world record for the highest speed up on the back wheel - 347km/h That was done on a naked black turbo Hayabusa. - Possibly repainted his green one. His green turbo Hayabusa has a top speed of 430km/h and has 500hp. His main black GSXR1000 is a full carbon fibre job - He has multiple Suzuki's.
  20. Seems to be more "white space" (or gray with the skin I'm using). Just feels "empty" - hard to put into words; kinda like porn - I can't define it, but I know it when I see it... I'm gonna use it for the next couple of days and perhaps I'll have different thoughts. Thanks for the hard work, Ben!
  21. Note what site your browser says when you hover on these two links. Go here to create your new URL (click) This takes you to OR.com (click) Jeez. Evidently I'm bored...
  22. Best I could do. Works, but opens in new page. Semi-success, semi-fail. http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z4HBM/hash/3krgnmig.swf?v=1059753302127&ev=0
  23. The title of this thread is redundant...
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